
Self believe?

Does your self confidence and self esteem decrease when you feel others around you are much better in every sense, do you feel overwhelmed, do you feel that you should keep quiet, do you feel insecure and vulnerable, if yes how do you tackle it.

Isn't it mentally straining for you to be physically present at such places while experiencing such emotions?

Please share your views.

5mo ago

Yes , i am in same position


Yeah bro can feel you


I particularly not feel exactly like this but this feeling holds me back from being myself and showcasing my full potential.


When it comes to me, I always keep in mind...this is not the right time and right place for me because things are not moving correctly...Mera time ayega .... moreover I don't like competitions...I don't like chasing PPL who are already in a race to grab something...I just let them go and die. I don't break my head with those nonsenses...I just be calm and wait for my good times/turn


Umm, great perspective indeed, but is running away from things a good solution. Like i at times think ki if I close my eyes then the things I don't want to witness will not stop so why even run away then.


Yes, it does. When I get overwhelmed, I share it with my very very close people... Usually mom. She always calms me down. Then I try not to think much about others who have achieved it for atleast 2 days. And be grateful if what all I have got. Normally, that helps me come down the self criticism bridge and enjoy life. Everyone in life has some problem or other. It's just that not everyone shows their bad days. It doesn't mean they are not vulnerable it affected by others.


Yeah great perspective indeed.


I'm facing such situation now. But this shows my mental strength. It's easy to get depressed by external factors. You shouldn't feel pity at yourself. You should work towards things which you want. Your body and mind has to be strong for all sort of battles or it's going to be dogshit everyday!


Yeah correct, thanks for sharing your views!


I agree, I feel the same. My friends have either moved way up the financial ladder or org ladder. Me quitting my job to start a business and now every year hoping atleast this year I will earn enough money

The toughest part is putting up a smile and hoping they don't dog further into your life.


I don't feel this way, but I want to understand when do you feel like this? Is it when you see people progress in their professional life? Or when they are living a happy personal life?


I feel this 24×7 I feel like i am not good enough, wasting my life etc. I seriously don't know how to change this

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