Where do people turn to for mental peace and spiritual needs who can't ignore the inequality at the religious place (hindu), dont know about other religions, don't care (cause enough problems at home). Atheists, anti casteist, others if anything has helped please comment. As you age you realise there're spiritual needs when you can't cope with the uncertainty/anxiety/unknown for which religion was devised I feel.
Imagining a world of equality itself is quasi-religion. You are probably in that rebellious phase of extended teenage looking for pseudo-intellectual exclusivity. The answer is simple. Take inspiration from how your parents and grandparents lived. Dive deeper into Hindu scriptures since you have claimed your family is hindu. Thousands of years of culture got you here. Very unlikely that modern ideas will help you solve existential questions. There are plenty of modern ideas out there and a vast majority are rip off from Hindu and Buddhist philosophical literature. You can't be spiritual without following ritual of some kind. If you follow rituals, by definition, that makes you religious.
I follow this, do what makes you happy. Go to that place that makes you happy, eat that food, listen to that music, watch that movie, talk to friends.