Is it a smart decision for long term to go for a private higher paying software engineer job, if I am working in an average paying PSU?
Hi peeps need advice .I am working in a govt PSU with a gross salary of 2 lacs per month.I am 33 years old having passed out from a tier 1 college. All my friends are in the pvt sector and are earning much more than me.Every time I meet them ,i feel a sense of profound sadness. For the past few months i have been thinking of doing a one year MBA program from one of the IIMs ofcourse and moving to the pvt sector.Whats your take on this ?
If your work is satisfying, then stay in the PSU. . If you are in one of the maharatnas, then think twice before quitting it. The quality of life is much better in them. In the long run it will be rewarding financially.
But don't u think that a good consulting firm is much better with way higher pay in the long run
No, I don't think so. The cost that one has to pay to succeed in consultancy is not worth it. The cost of success is life itself and this I say from first hand experiences that I have been happen to my classmates and cousins.
Govt jobs will be dead end jobs in future will very less society appeal. Right now govt jobs are in declining phase the golden period of govt jobs is over and now new entrants will regret when they will be retiring. Govt job do have job security but rest of things are insecure. India will be developing rapidly and most of the growth will come from new age companies in technology and science whole govt psu and psb will be left behind with very little growth and exposure juggling the transfers. And eventually all psu will be privatised like air India.
Doesn't apply to grade a services like ias/ifs
I don't know where you get your data but one of my friend is working in a PSU in cutting edge technology but getting paid Govt scale. He can easily get 8 digit pay in corporate but his family is not letting him switch from a stable job. No he is not writing a CRUD app for being called cutting edge. I can't talk about it either as it is kind of classified.
The factors in government job that might outweigh the private one are
There is one option though, you can wait until you are eligible for voluntary retirement which will guarantee healthcare and pension for life and then take risk in corporate.
Is it a smart decision for long term to go for a private higher paying software engineer job, if I am working in an average paying PSU?
I am doing job in Amazon and also preparing for govt. But confused now cause slowly all going to privatize and govt. Salary can't give freedom to do anything apart from job security. Please give genuine advice,its very important decision...
People under 45 need not respond. Those over 45 can share ideas on what their view on the next 15 years is like. What courses do you want to pursue to increase your market worth? What's your financial situation like?