CTC : 30-40L
Age : 25
College : Tier 3 at best
YOE : 4
So for context, I was the only designer with the company 4 years ago and have grown with the company getting around 3 promotions going from a generalist designer to a newbie product design manager.
I loved the product I was building and had a team along with it - this was the flagship product of the company. I’ve been feeling however over the last year that I’ve not been learning new things and doing more of people management which is let’s be honest - hella boring.
Recently - I’ve been moved to a new product where again I’m the team for now but the team will expand over the next year as I’ll be hiring and I’ll be handling product design and brand design part of this product which is exciting and new for me.
But it’s been 4 years now - I don’t mind the founders as they are pretty cool but there are certain elements of working there I am not a fan of. But I feel that will be true anywhere I work.
People tell me switching and expanding the portfolio is important but for my experience the pay out there seems to be less which has got me in a limbo.
Should I play my cards where I am already and try to grow or go all in and switch - but again the major issue being the band of payment for my YOE is not aligned with what companies are offering.
What do you guys think?