What platforms are you using to apply for jobs?
Looking for recommendations where HR's reply is faster/processing of application is faster.
Corporate catfishing? More companies are posting realistic job listings that don't exist.
Companies doing this are trying to trick employees into thinking the company is growing and that they are hiring more workers to alleviate their workload. This is not only manipulative, but immoral.
If you want to increase productivity and alleviate stress in your office, start by showing appreciation for your employees and encouraging them.
Share some companies you might know that have been doing this.
I’ve seen IBM do this
In Accenture I have been shortlisted and attended interviews many times, but nothing works for me and finally learnt a big lesson and decided never in my life I should apply in Accenture. The recruiters and hiring managers are actually confused for which role exactly they are hiring the candidate and finally after the interview you get a rejection email with the same dialogue with no specific reason mentioned for the rejection. Also I don't understand why they are collecting all our personal and professional details alongwith photos while applying for any job in their career site before the interview? What will they do with that if anyway they are rejecting the candidates.It is just wasting our time and energy unnecessarily. They won't read the resume thoroughly and ask questions out of the box. If you ask about this is not mentioned in the JD, they will say, that is because of some technical issues you are notable to see in JD , but we have internal requirements which I only know...OMG 😂...also, if you apply for a senior role they will try to pull you down for a junior role while interviewing...the height of miscommunication
Most linked in job post from reputed product based companies doing this, this is to hide the silent layoff that they are doing behind the scenes, I can tell this coz I have purchased LinkedIn premium and applied to these job post within half an hour of their posting still always gets an unfortunate we can't move ahead mail later, and these are the jobs which are matching my skill
Also to mention I am an immediate joiner with np less than 15 days, god know who they are selecting or its just bogus job post
Most likely it's bogus
companies that i think are doing this regularly
So far what i have observed if i apply for any company they take it to there workday . so You are saying all those posting on workday are fake as well? If thats is true someone need to address this at senior level
Nah that is not the case.
DE Shaw is doing this...personally experienced this in the past 1-2 years
Looking for recommendations where HR's reply is faster/processing of application is faster.
I have seen multiple companies posting vacancy on LinkedIn and Naukri but I see no post of any candidate getting hired or sharing onboarding.
Are they posting this to avoid panic in open market ? Especially in the field of Data.
I have seen multiple companies posting vacancy on LinkedIn and Naukri but I see no post of any candidate getting hired or sharing onboarding.
Are they posting this to avoid panic in open market ? Especially in the field of Data.