Unacademy: Setting the record straight
The negativity brigade is out in full force against Unacademy lately. Honestly watching this relentless media agenda against us is like watching a bad tv show. As someone who's part of the team, I want to set the record straight.
First off, Gaurav Munjal is the smartest, visionary entrepreneur in the country. He's basically a genius. Like a legend, truly amazing! My observation is that people who are throwing a shade have never built a startup themselves or have never led anything more complex than a lemonade stand. They are simply jealous of Gaurav's awesome success. Meanwhile, legends like Bhavish and BeerBiceps are cheering Gaurav on. Coincidence? I think not!
Oh and layoffs! Every company does it – it's just business 101. Times are tough - stop whining and smell the coffee. This isn't a reason to target Gaurav. I see a lot of snowflake work-lifers who only want to work from 9 to 9 for 5 days. We did indulge you, didn't we? If you really don't want to be "laid off", what is stopping you from doing great work? Even better - why don't you start your own company and keep this stupid to 9-9-5 policy and "not lay off" these work-lifers who are a burden on your company?
Let's focus on constructive support and recognize the efforts of those truly making a difference.

Gives credence that ‘he who shall not be named’has been following posts here on grapevine.

'Gaurav Munjal is the smartest, visionary entrepreneur in the country. He's basically a genius. Like a legend, truly amazing!'

Layoffs are business 101! Born in a dark well you think the world is so. You don't know the B of business and companies who do actually make "sustainable" profit not accounting jumla in one FY and beat their chest. And yes, I have started and ran a business to qualify to comment.

Hahahaha, the only thing Gaurav is good at is scolding people over their grammar or scolding someone for not carrying their note book to a meeting with him.
I’m very sure the layoffs are over 250 people, his strategy is usually announce you’re laying off X but actually layoff 2X.

Well said, this happens

Is this what we call circle-jerking?

Hi Gaurav, use a real account please

First he posted saying 'We ban PIPs from now on' and people started celebrating. Only folks who understand him a bit ...

As long as you get paid for the notice period, I don’t see the problem

Oh man. This is harsh. Feels like too much happening. Why are companies suddenly becoming harsher in the last 10 days...

I've worked with the CEO/COO at Unacademy. AMA.
Though in all probability, what you've already heard is true.

Unacademy Layoffs Season 20
New silent layoffs at the end of November. Some teams are merging.
So team members will be moved to new teams and then laid off 😞
Unacademy will now reach an irrelevant status like vedantu etc