
Urgent help required


I am about to join a new organization (Org D), and they are currently processing my background verification (BGV). I have a concern regarding this process.

I am currently working for a mid-sized company (Org C), which does not conduct detailed BGVs.

I started my career at Org A in January 2018 as an intern and was converted to a full-time employee in September 2018. During the transition from intern to full-time employee, I briefly joined another company (Org B) for 8 days due to some confusion. This short stint at Org B is visible on my UAN.

I am worried about how this might affect my BGV. However, I do have all the necessary documents from all the organizations I have worked with.

Please advise.

9mo ago

Is your employment continuous at Org A or was there a break? If someone writes to Org A, what will they respond with? (Mostly BGVs are done with emails or phonecalls)

How does someone access your UAN statement though?

In any case, if there's an issue, the current org will always approach you for an explanation. Just have one ready. 8 days is not a big red flag TBH, should be explainable.

Lying on salary or term of employment are generally larger issues.


My term at org A was continuous. The response from Org A will be positive. They haven't asked for the UAN access.


Was it confusion or was it malicious intent. If it was by mistake just tell them what happened. If malicious intent then idk what to say


It happened due to some miscommunication.


I worked 2 months and never showed it in my resume, didn't really learn much or create any value addition to brag in resume so why waste usually doesn't matter as long as you don't lie or have any criminal records.


BGV is to check whether your qualifications and experiences are real. They will already have a database as most companies share the data. If something is missing they will call the employer to verify. 8 days at a different place is not going to create any issues. I worked 2 months for BA and never showed it in my resume. No one cares.

BGV is done thoroughly only when it is for higher positions where character becomes important. Where skill is important, no big deals.

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