
What a strange time. Are we intentionally being puzzled?


Think from a broad perspective and not from an individual perspective - are we intentionally being puzzled to think like this? I know there are a lot of things happening against the women and men other there after marriage. But it's just a minority part. Do we stop searching for a job if the news is saying "Employment is at peak in last 20 years"? Then why are we running away from marriage.

I want to know your honest opinions. This is a puzzling time for a lot of us.

I see it as a conspiracy to break the household society into society of playboys and hoes where all of us are spending money on dru*s, clubs to think if we can get happiness from here. Rather than happiness from a good married life.

3mo ago

Employment is a necessity, marriage isn't.
So, no matter the layoffs, no matter the working conditions, people do work to find jobs as that puts the food in their plate.

Also, Puzzled by who?
Our thoughts on everything is shaped by what we read, our surroundings, what we observe etc. So, in a way, all of them are learnt via "puzzling"

I think you are putting too much thought into this conspiracy.


@CharmingCalmMan the conspiracy is running since years and from every side now a days. U see folks are getting infertile in their early 30s. Majority of them have bad food habits. Today's generation biggest issue is they think 'Pyaar karna' aur 'pyaar nibhana' both are same thing. Everyone wants a comfort zone but not ready to change to offer 'sukoon' to the better half. The true happiness is sitting with a person on a fine eve on the lake shore and just being silent. Looks like hardly 1 out of 100 understand this. There are many more such things i can write. But thats it for now.


Exactly bro.


I agree


I think that this thing will increase. Marriages will be less and less ,less fertility,less kids ,less population. People nowadays think that marriage and kids are a burden.
The effect of these things will be seen after 15-20 years when this thing would be scaled


It has become a burden because of biased law. It’s an indirect effect of all these things.


I agree that laws are biased but I think people need to find workarounds. Be smart and take precautions in the marriage but shouldn't be at all stop thinking about/doing the marriage


If someone realised greater purpose in life they can skip marriage. If someone achieved greater balance at a spiritual level they too can skip it. If you are skipping for the sake pleasures of youth, you will fall soon. The problem with youth is that there is a surge of hormones and a feeling of greater clarity without knowing the full story of life. Getting married, bearing children and going through the grind is a much better longer term equation for average people.


Thats so thoughtful


Its not conspiracy theory. You will get your answer in the first few pages of book Robert Glover - No more mr nice guy.


Bharat is a nation with an unlimited pool of Dharmic Parenting (the benefits of which the world is enjoying), combined with Dharmic approval to keep on questioning and develop oneself.

The future is bright only until our great women choose to instill values in the next generation over some 9 to 7 slavery under unknown bosses, especially during the formative years of the infant.

(Any human body who faces the brutal market abuse of surviving in the competition of the market is psychologically not fit to instill values in children, most notably job-going men 😃

Men, as fathers are more fit to teach life skills or market skills but those are no use if the child is clueless about values which drive fair execution of those skills)

Contribution of mothers to the economy is probably ten times more than any single individual contributing with a job as these women single handedly empower 4-5 members of the family at all times.

Unfortunately we failed as a society to value and respect these women



Nil respect is one of the faults. But it's also the western-marxist feminism and the distortion of women's nature itself too, which is at fault here.

I think, modernity, presents an extremely whitewashed and distorted version of femininity to society. Again, I am not saying this line is correct, but there must be some reason that all successful religions and cultures, all of them, natively, have limited individual authority, but more so of women than men. Theories such as the 'war bride theory' shed more light on this.


Simple question - Can you switch partners as conveniently as you could your job? No. Right? So, they shouldn't be compared. Marriage is a whole life's commitment, unlike jobs.


Biased law, faltu ka feminism etc etc are indirectly effecting marriage and family system. It’s not a burden for many, it was not a burden for our parents. But the law which outright support one gender is bad.

The long term effect of these will be less marriages and population and demographic change. And demography is the destiny iykwim. This one I realised few months back. So men and women need to understand this talk openly regarding this otherwise family system will get destroyed.

I definitely want to get married and raise a family. But when look biased law, favouring only one gender, faltu feminism ki bakchodi. Then I think hatao yaar yeh sab.


coming from a sociology major - men are unable to come to terms with the fact that they are losing control over women. the men who are able to grow out of their egos and self actualise in this sphere instead of looking for women they can easily dominate will have no trouble finding beautiful and healthy relationships with integrity. others will remain hateful and live a miserable life of incels. women are very happy living a life free of men. it's the men who will lose out on opportunities to build and nurture loving relationships and community.


Is that why, young american women are abusing antidepressants like anything since the inception of their nation? I reckon they aren't so 'happy'.

Objectively speaking, women are human beings. If you give any self serving being the unchecked power of sections like 498A, along with the sympathy society gives to the feminine, then they will abuse this power. That's what's happening.

And regardless, these nice guys who are accommodative aren't getting to keep their women.


If being accommodative was the primary concern, given how passive and non-combative most Indians are, this shouldn't have been such an issue lmao


Simply put, people growing up have seen too many failed marriages to believe in a perfect one. Life without being married might be lonely and meaningless but getting married magically doesn't make things better either. There's too many examples of bad parenting to realise a lot of people who should not have had gotten married and have kids, did. This thread has become just a hate thread for people choosing to stay unmarried and also I can see rants about working women. Wow. Diverge from the topic much?


Not really.. I personally have not. May be I'm lucky.


It is a rant on working women because, it's a shift from traditionalism. And whether you like it or not, marriage is an instrument (and now a relic) of this traditional past. And it's not just us, it's the entire world. Working women and female emancipation is definitely a factor. And that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Subjectively, if you and I believe female emancipation is better than what we had before...that's alright. I think that's morally a good position to hold in modernity. But it's subjective. I reckon, middle easterners won't believe in this.


Think from a broad perspective and not from an individual perspective

But why? As an individual one's perspective is the only one that should matter na?


Society is our collective responsibility. If all think like this, the population will collapse. It's already happening in some countries.

The replenishment rate for population is 2. Not kids will be detrimental for our own generation when we grow older, because unlike Japan, we don't even have a government who cares.


*not having kids

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