
What are you innermost thoughts and emotions you don’t share with family and friends as they wouldn’t understand?

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  • Mention minimal information such as you age, gender, etc to add context about you
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15mo ago

28 Unmarried Teetotaller. Good corpus to sustain and thrive if utilised mindfully.

Want to live with parents and don't want to return to metro life.
Spent last decade in Delhi n blr. Can see huge impact on health due to that and fed up of fast n toxic life style. Never took a home loan or car loan, understood basic economics very early and invested heavily in usa and in stocks. Got ~5x appreciation. Thanks to nvidia, amd, snps and nifty.

Cut short, I want to live with family and can't just run before money anymore. Like switching for 3l/m leaving 2l/m doesn't entice me anymore.

But I am not having the gut to convey this to parents especially dad. He will talk about marriage prospects but I know that's just an excuse.

Deep down I am like Ranbir of tamasha and want to live a life of abhay/farhan from znmd.

Thanks for hearing me out.

Any business idea or suggestions are most welcome? ( I am planning to get a brand franchise or open an ad agency or a 💯 digital startup(social impact) where I can provide opportunities to talented rural kids)


Lots of young people with sufficient bank balance are realising that there is more to life. Without bank balance you can't survive. But it's also important to realise is your parents are not experts. Those old times of "settling down" are gone. Today marriage, work, raising kids all have challenges. And can affect your mental health like anything. Getting married doesn't automatically solves life problems.




Have no desire to become parent, ever. . I'm not too good with kids: some calm ones I can handle, but many others are just too naughty and stubborn and these days often ill mannered. And even the sweet ones wear me off quickly. I'm okay with amusing them for a bit but then their tantrums quickly annoy everyone (including their parents, who's plight I can see in their eyes) . Part of the reason is that I've myself been very calm, sober and well mannered. I knew no mischiefs and rarely demanded anything unreasonable or misbehaved (and even today I'm like that) so I find kids these days a bit much. I've seen 10 yr old daughter of my cousin posting pout selfies all over Instagram on a public account with no privacy (she has since added privacy after I explained her dad) . On top of that kids don't come cheap: hospital, baby food, their toys etc and that quickly evolves to their exorbitant school fee, extra curricular classes and what not. On top of that parents need to always watch out for what they're learning, with whom they're meeting, their language, their marks, what kind of content they're watching. Phew . But to be clear all of the above could be ignored or even justified if one gets satisfaction out of raising them. And their in lies the primary problem: I don't see myself getting any satisfaction out of them. I spoke to my sister and she acknowledged that one must have kids only when they're really sure they want to sacrifice everything for them. I'm really sure I don't want to. . When I tell this to people: they often misunderstand that it's the hassle of raising them that's scaring me off: but I feel it's my lack of desire that makes me look upon raising kids as a punishment


This is very convincing ngl. People usually brush all of this off and say it's part of life or whatever. Not saying having kids is bad, just that everyone should do what they want and not force their opinions onto others


People are afraid of having "regrets" in their life. They don't consider what if the kids kick their parents out of their homes. What if they grow up and become even bigger pain in there ass.

Plus with the population growth and tough economy, Raising a kid till 20 years is seems very much a financial and emotional burden.

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