Revenue Model of Grapevine ??
How does companies like Grapevine/Blind/Hood make money?
How big is the market for these type of companies?? 🤔
You are. Get users and dau till they can pivot to a useful monetised use case?
One, for sure, is data monetisation.
Get users, wait , then: Cross sell stuff - job portal, insurance, lending, etc Haven't seen ads yet, but maybe in the pipeline.
Sorry to say didn’t get any proper answer. Is our personal data save in to grapevine. Without paying anything we are getting this service then Grapevine is making money.
How does companies like Grapevine/Blind/Hood make money?
How big is the market for these type of companies?? 🤔
Hi @Grapevine team and Community marketing enthusiast who have worked on 0-1/1-10, We are building a community app related to dating and figuring out unpaid marketing channels what will work or not since we don’t have much money to do pa...
Pardon me for being so naive here. I want to understand this new type of startup trend.