What skills do people keep saying to develop?
Whenever I read any posts like - What should someone do in their early 20s or late 20s etc.? There is always this general advice of developing skills. Every 3 or 4 insta reel, develop skills.
What skills are being talked about here? Give some good examples as to what skills to develop over the 20s, 30s etc.
I think this statement is usually targeted at Westerners where most people are not skilled at anything. I know its sounds judgemental but its my observation with very limited set of people. I feel the number of people who have any profitable/money making skills is drastically decreasing and hence they keep saying build skills. I always assumed that it means get good at something you want to get good which also helps you pay bills.
Typically, our education system teaches us to write lengthy answers (oh! I will keep this short) and usage of buzzword in resumes. These bwords & lengthy details sometimes make listeners/readers miss the thoughts train.
Search how Jeff Bezos expected his executives to answer questions in his meetings. It will give you a structure to follow during such conversations.
Can you please point to some articles. This is the closest I could find https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ethanevansvp_how-specifically-do-you-prepare-for-a-meeting-activity-7118251576120541184-qLY1?trk=public_profile_like_view

Best piece of Advice for people in 20s
What is the best piece of advice you wanna give to people who are in their 20s?

To all the people who are in 30s, 40s and so on
To all the people who are in 30s, 40s and so on.
What advice/suggestions you would give to a person who is in his/her 20s or mid 20s in all aspect of life such as career, love, relationships, money, society at large etc.

What are the must have skills in the corporate world ?
I'm a 21 year old intern at an MNC, and i would like to know what skills i should adopt to be a better developer/team member/employee