
Will this happen in India too? Are you folks still planning to have kids?

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14mo ago

This is a very interesting topic. I wonder what the impact will be on so many things.

  • People get married later, have kids much much later
  • Effectively you're getting fewer of your "fitter" years with your kid (although lifetime is elongated too)
  • We've added at least 5 years of working as a single guy/gal to our lifetimes.

Question to the broader community: I don't see most people between 25 to 30 being super happy. Most people actually seem misguided (me/my friends - in some ways). Is this pattern actually harmful for us?


You are assuming everyone wants kids. A sizeable share of people don't.


No one is super happy, whether married or unmarried.

If you got someone who understands you then good for you and if you found peace alone then awesome.

Most of us including me, are swinging like a pendulum between these two states. We fear commitment or peer pressure or career age and if we want to commit, we are concerned about finances, other priorities.

We are all running behind something or the other and all we all need to do is take a break from the race and think about ourselves.


Millennial here, 29M unmarried. Here's the pattern I see:

Most Men in India tend to get married between 28-31 these days. While most women in India tend to get married between 26-30.

As education rises and people become more independent, I see these age windows moving up.

I think it's good for people from an emotional perspective. Age tends to bring emotional maturity in many. Might have adverse effects on women's health, as having kids post 30 leads to complications.

I never get the "playing with kids" part. If one keeps their lifestyle active, I don't see why they won't have energy to play with their kids after office 🤔 IDK, maybe I'll get it when I have kids or get older.


Playing with kids is less important than giving them a good life. I have seen couples in villages where both wife and husband are unemployed, financially dependent on their parents and yet having kids. God knows how they plan to raise their kids like this.


It’s not about playing with kids. It’s about giving yourself more time post finishing off your children related responsibilities.

I had my son at 30. He’ll be of marriageable age by 57 only (considering 4 years of grad, 2 post grad followed by 2 years of work experience) and that’s my first child. If I plan a second one in another few years, I’ll be 65 when my other child is of marriageable age.

I’ll truly be free of any responsibility post 65 only. That’s freaking disturbing.


Masses have accepted, maybe marriage is not their cup of tea.


Nah, I don’t think people go unmarried that much It’s rather just late marriage


Then we need to wait for the 1995-2005 kids to turn 35 years old for more conclusive data.

Seeing lot's of people who are currently around 30yrs being single.


If the US is doing this, India will follow We've seen it happen with almost every other demographic trend haven't we


It is indeed happening though at a slower rate.


Wow that’s 70% -> 35% within a span of a generation
What are second order effects I wonder


Hmm, based on this trend and the comments here, from a long term perspective, the natural selection seems to be eliminating those people's genes who are highly educated and moderately rich but adding disproportionately more poor and less-educated people's genes to the global human gene pool. That too a global phenomenon! How ironic!


Will be on the path of Japan in a couple of centuries? 🥲


*In a couple of decades


False Matrimonial Cases are and will be one of the top reasons due to which marriages will decline in India.


college grad here,my thoughts, i think marriage is legal suicide for any man, i m not going to get married until i have enough money to cover any legal expenses

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