Women Hypocricy

Just a random thought, sometime I've observed professional women are hypocrite or not clear what they want: (Please note these are observation i had sometimes, so I'm not generalizing women. Also, there is societal hypocricy. Please don't bash me. There are cases with men hypocricy also, but I'm just giving my perspective on women hypocricy. I don'tsupport men hypocricy, that's why i do support my womrn colleagues at work in any difficult situation(if work is late night, stressed situation, or discussikn in a board where all members are straightforward men) and also household work(cleaning, arrangement, shopping. No child right now. (saying because some would try to bash me out).) At work: a. They want equal treatment, if due to poor performance, if you yell them in loud voice, they will cite all gender topics from PoSH. b. If they don't know something, you can't make them do it and you have to learn(if you also don't know) and do it. Also, if you rry to act smart, they will straight away complain. c. If you don't know, and if they know it, they'll touch your male ego or just provide little information. d. For poor performance, women have all sorts of excuses in front of male senior, but a man is never allowed to bring family issues in work in front of female senior. e. A business decision if a woman has to take, and if it goes wrong, she finds multiple loopholes to divert attention, but if a man business decision fails, there is havoc on man. At home: a. They'll cite equality in work, and always want to settle with man with income above then her only. b. If you've all servants for all households tasks and you take care of house works too, still she'll cite superiority. And if you try to cite superiority, she will complains to inlaws and then it's again a family discussion.

17mo ago

When was the last time you heard that some feminist was fighting for equal employment as a bus driver, municipality worker, rig worker... They only fight for equal opportunity in the board room and parliament... The movement while sensible during its initial years, it is now a joke


Based redpill chad 👏🏽


This is a dumb take thats made me dumber for having read it.
Why would they or anyone fight for equality at the lowest level? Its like saying Dalits and Amdekarites should fight to force Brahmins as manual scavengers!!

It is a fact that women are vastly underrepresented in STEM roles and across most CXO/Board room staff and its not only because of merit. I have seen orgs in US/Europe with an relatively equitable mix of women and men in higher positions while in their Indian arms, it’s typically a sausage party.
I have also seen women being passed over for TL roles or being the first to be scapegoated when shit goes south.

On a different note, you want India to develop, you need to work towards a much higher representation of women in workforce. Its like the single most telling factor in the development of a country.


I am not even sure if what I write is going to change your mind or not, but let me give it a try. And please don't consider it as bashing, I am just trying to put some points from a women's perspective.

a. Posh isn't a small thing that can be triggered if you raise voice on someone, though the foremost thing should be raising voice shouldn't be the way ever for any gender, when you can communicate anything in a calm manner. b. I didn't get this, most of our roles in engineering everyday require something new to implement and everyone is learning constantly otherwise they can't survive a month even, that's not at all possible in a skilled occupation. c. I am sorry you experienced such behaviour from some women, yes some are that way but I believe it's more like a human being case, the same way some males will feel threatened by a woman or whatever and if they know it they would make the female in front of them feel dumb. Though what I know and even try to implement is to pass my knowledge, have healthy discussions as possible. d. Okay, you might have seen excuses coming up in which some would be genuine too, specially if they have a family, but you do realise that it doesn't matter for the management no matter the company, they just care how much value and work you are bringing, you your whole growth is based on that. So the appraisal and hikes are definitely getting severely impacted if a woman is doing that. Don't feel they are just stating away and getting away with that :) there's a price everyone is paying. e. Again, I will put it on a nature of a human being and not just particularly a woman, because Neither I am going to behave in this manner not I have seen anyone around me doing that, and no matter the gender, what I know is if a business is failing the person is responsible in front of everyone, no one is taking excuses in this era, everyone's time is valuable. At home: a. If you are okay with not having children, then a woman should not even look at the


Salary, because eventually it comes down to children, sometimes maternity leave timings work out sometimes they don't, what and how will the household be supported in that case? b. If you sincerely believe having a maid and a cook are all the household tasks that are, please have an experiment to get that clear, tell your wife(if you are married) to stop doing any work she does and you can be the same as you did, and results will be out max in 5 days!


Lol agreed! It takes gut to say this!! Feminist may kill you for this.


Lol. Brackets in the brackets for disclaimer for confusing real fast..




Enough talk about Women Rights Let's talk about Women Wrongs 😠👎👎

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