
Would you settle in Bangalore?

I won't.. too overcrowded.. with fuckall infra.. people are nice though.. but autowala's drive like a maniac

3mo ago

this is what hurt locals , you enjoy the perk of being in banglore , then go out and abuse ! dont cultivate such ethics , its ok if you dont like its fine , but dont rant around


For me it isn't a perk.. More like an obligation as most of the IT companies are here. And shouldn't the locals be questioning the infrastructure as well?


So fuckall infra being the truth is abusing? The country is mostly a shithole but have you seen the infra in Delhi? Also, the fuckall pollution because that’s the downside there?

Maybe start calling out the negatives so that the taxes are put to good use.


Everything fuck expensive and politicians don't care if you don't vote in this place.


Nope, I don't feel the sense of security here.


I wanna know in which metro city you DO feel security?


I personally feel more secure here.. I can literally go for a bike ride in the middle of the night and not worry about anything. It's just that there are a few instances where I have had bad experiences due to over aggressive people. But I think it's still more safe than any other metro city


I mean politicians are giving every incentive to not stay in this city lol. No proper infra, hyper inflated housing costs, what was shitty becomes shittier, what was great becomes shittier.

So nope. Better to settle in a higher tier 2 city. Atleast for medical emergencies I won't get stuck in a traffic jam. Behind the 150000 SUVs with only a single person.


And so much Road tax for bad roads. It's really the politicians that are spoiling this city


Good city to live in when you are a working individual.. but supporting a family with a kid. Naah not happening


I personally wouldn't. My parents live in Pune, especially in a place where there are lots of trees, big roads, good infra. I love it there and if I ever wanna settle in India, it would be with them there.

I personally don't find any joy in Bangalore. I see people like it here as it gives them more freedom from where they were living before, and the dating / clubbing scene. But, I had better quality of life in Pune and personally don't like clubbing scene


I’m sorry, my friend. Poona isn’t in a great shape either right. The traffic and infrastructure is in absolute shambles.
Quality of life, yes. But I’m unsure if it’s any better than Bangalore.


Of course Great weather Good people Enough money coming in for it to develop into a world class city


All the ones giving blah blah blah reasons for not to stay, are the ones who are gonna stay.

I've observed this, people keep ranting but won't show up when it comes to taking self accountability (not even a little, just wish to blame/ rant). They'll rant and stay, they are the ones who travel to office alone in a SUV. (I hope whoever is reading this is getting my essence and not stick onto the 'SUV' example). Typical Victim card behavior... Rant and stay is what they follow. They will never acknowledge anything good, not even a single thing.


No one is ranting man.. everyone is stating the obvious reasons why they wouldn't settle here.. but if they do end up settling means they have something that they value enough to stay and ignore the issues.


No I won't


Nahin pata. Itna soch nahin sakta main. Hamesha jawab dene ki tension mein rehta hoon. Main thodi manga tha zindagi

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Bro get an axe 🪓, we need to fix things asap

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