
10 Dark (But Effective) Zero-Dollar Marketing Tactics I've seen

10 Dark (But Effective) Zero-Dollar Marketing Tactics Caution: Ethical minefield ahead. Use at your own risk. 1. Controversy Baiting → Spark debates, grab attention → Example: Elon Musk's provocative tweets 2. Fake Scarcity → Create FOMO with non-existent deadlines → "Only 3 spots left!" (when there's no limit) 3. Newsjacking Tragedies → Piggyback on tragic events for visibility → Risky, often backfires spectacularly 4. Competitor Bashing → Publicly criticize rivals to stand out → Think: Cola wars, but nastier 5. Sockpuppet Reviews → Create fake accounts for positive reviews → Illegal in many jurisdictions 6. Viral Hoaxes → Spread false, shareable stories → Can damage credibility long-term 7. Guerrilla Stunts → Disruptive public acts for attention → Potential legal consequences 8. Outrage Marketing → Intentionally offend for publicity → High risk, high reward (sometimes) 9. Astroturfing → Create fake grassroots support → Often used in politics, can backfire 10. Data Harvesting → Collect user data without clear consent → Legal and ethical quagmire Remember: Just because it's free doesn't mean it's without cost. Reputation damage can be irreparable. # [Character count: 898]

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