

As most of the people here are working in corporates and most of them belong to the top 1% , i want to know the opinion of this segment of people about the modi government as problems faced by these people are totally different from the other population . Has the Modi government helped in growing businesses in any form ?




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IndiaMART InterMESH Limited

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News Discussion on

by hellotherehappy


Why is Grapevine so Sanghi? Observations on political discussions here:

I legitimately find it concerning that so many Grapeviners are not just conservatives but outright Sanghis who betray their intelligence with 5th standard debate tactics or just outright hate. Some quick pointers before you come at me with pitchforks 1) I voted for Modi in 2014 but then from 2019 onwards I changed my mind (more on that later) 2) Almost everyone here belongs to the urban elite who have voted for BJP. However, the so-called educated elite feels that the everyday uneducated common man is dumb. Education does not equal intelligence (correlated yes, but not an indicator). If you don't like how a significant portion of India you never see or interact with voted, tough luck, welcome to democracy. 3) Also is this result, really so bad? It's stupid to think that the BJP as the sole ruling party is good for the country. Great for your stocks on the Sensex and MFs but not for the actual common man. They are the silent majority who make the country run and they just let everyone know that although there has been an economic boom, they have been left out. 4) Take a chill pill. The India story is still alive and well. In fact, having some diverse voices can help a democracy. Not ram-rodding bills that everyone from farmers to jobless youth hate can be good. You just have to learn to play with others & listen for once. Finally, I supported Modi because I was tired of Congress shenanigans and I supported him up to demonetisation. However, the blatant horse-trading, the weaponisation of ED, Hindu vs <insert religious minority> rhetoric and the lack of any balls to face unscripted questions in TEN years made me change my mind. PS: The knee-jerk reaction of every sanghi here is to deploy "What about X & Y", I will not respond to any of those arguments because that's just a week cop-out. Judge yourselves on your own merits, not that you are somehow less evil. Jai Hind. Jai Bharath. Aam Aadmi Zindabad.


Moving Abroad on

by hellotherehappy


Today, I've made the decision to leave the country.

I was to give an interview for a post-graduate degree abroad, and right up until today morning I still had mixed feelings about leaving the country. The first startup I worked in was built on the idea of Digital India and right up until my last employer, I believed and wholeheartedly bought into the future of this country. Until the events of the last few years. Our family was extorted for money (through threats to demolish our home under false pretences) leading up to elections in Bangalore by a BJP MLA and his corrupt crew. My entire layout has become a hotbed of Hindutva nationalism to the extent that some Muslim households keep their curtains permanently closed and sadly I've lost some very good friends simply because I didn't side with them or chose to remain apolitical. But I think the last straw was today. I don't know why but today of all days I've made the decision emotionally to quit India. To be clear I have no issues with the temple and frankly, I don't know enough to battle the inevitable "you're not a true Indian/Hindu" comments that will follow this post. It's just that I have this sinking feeling we have now so thoroughly mixed politics with religion that we will never go back from here. If you think this is a victory for Hindus fair enough, but it also feels like a loss for a secular nation. Am I alone or wrong in feeling this way? PS: If you want to debate, please do with some sensible comments. It has taken a lot for me to come and post this here even if it is anonymous. I would greatly appreciate it if we could have a conversation and not a put-down contest.


Indian Startups on

by LooseGoose


Went for a high profile event, mood towards govt is dismal

Can't share too many details but basically went to an invite only event with some program unveiling and partnership announcements from GOI and other companies. Minister who was chief guest arrived late, other guests (also ministers) arrived later than him. After arriving, he starts his speech by saying i left important work to be here bla bla bla, sheer arrogance in the way he conducted himself. Didn't even speak in Hindi, was speaking to press the entire time and didn't care about Hindi speaking locals and audience who were specially invited for the event. Clicked photos, then left within 20-30 minutes of arriving. Other guests who were invited who i spoke to (non GOI) were saying the same thing - this govt is all talk and big numbers, detached from ground reality. They were brought there for optics, not for any change or meaningful work. And they can't say no either. GOI has become an entity who everyone puts up with, not out of choice. No one wishes to engage with ministers willingly anymore. They are forced to. Because when it all comes down to real work and projects, they want their own commissions / benefits regardless of the project at hand. And they will act like kings throughout the process, no scope for dialogue or negotiation. I think it's time for more corporate and startup leaders to join politics and clean up the act. Someone needs to. Or else we will lose a lot of business to neighbouring countries in the next few years.