
Notice period Advice

Hi Guys, Need your professional advice here So I had resigned from my company early this month, and kept the last working day on December 5th, which was accepted. A week after my resignation, I faced severe backache and visited the doctor. The doctor suggest a weeks rest and a month of wfh post, I submitted all the required medical certificates to my manager. Post this my manager stated that he will consider an early release option with the last date as next week, he will pay me only till my last date. I wanted to check if this is ethical, considering it will be a loss of pay of almost 2months. What could be my next steps here, as they didn't even ask me for my opinion but went ahead and processed this. I have worked here for almost 2years.




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Need advise/help.

I joined a company in a business/product role last October, realised it is not at all what i was told in terms of culture and expected work( detailed reason not important to the advice I need). Basic training was going on and i resigned in 13 days. It was an amicable resignation with my hiring manager(great guy btw) and org boss. HR said we will not pay you a salary as to adjust against waiving off of notice period and stuff. I felt at that time it is ok as I did not wanted to serve the notice period(what is the point anyways). I also felt it is not justified to take that salary and wanted to quickly move to next steps. No money hits my bank account from the company as of writing this post. Cut to this year June, I see an information mentioning a salary being paid to me for that October month while going through my TIS and AIS forms on ITR portal. I reached out to the company as to clarify this. I wanted them to provide me with a salary slip and form 16 at least if after all they are saying a salary is paid. They are not providing that saying it is adjusted. I have a few questions here. 1. If a salary(more than 80k) is mentioned in my tax(even it was so called adjusted), I must be provided with a salary slip right? 2. Am I missing something and am I in the wrong here? 3. What should be my next steps, I don’t want that salary but shouldn’t they provide the salary slip and form 16 if it mentions it on my tax documents? I did not wanted them on my employment history hence wanted no such hassle and here we are. Need some inputs from people who understand these things. HRs or any other folks in the know.