
CEO Ratio’d

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Indian Startups on

by Babasaheb


Company Rant

CEO Status driven, low confident CEO who thinks that a CEO should dress like a movie CEO aka wearing suits all the time and thinks that watching sports makes you cool. Super micro-manager. This idiot gifted a basketball to CPO on CPO's 5th work anniversary. Will make random suggestions to the product team based on absolute random assumptions. This guy has more chances of death by confirmation bias than anything else in the world. Lack of clarity and vision for the company. Low trust in people who he works with. COO I saw her only once in the office since I joined the company in my 14 months of tenure, people say she is working from home but all the employees are forced to come to the office and work. CPO This guy will never say no to any product/feature requirement and commit an optimistic timeline of delivery without thinking or syncing with the team internally. Due to him I lost respect for MBA turned managers who think they can do it all. Will never accept he was wrong or take one for the team. Will shit on others to retain you. Will make team members fight among themselves. Will say that you are the owner of the product/project/task/charter given to you but will make sure to overturn decisions made independently by you. This guy always assumes that he is right without thinking through. He does not even understand what all problems we face at the layer. Has world class expectations but with peanut salary. This douche bag stole my ideas and presented it to his ideas. Had to forcefully schedule 1-1's with him to get feedback on my performance, that too was very generic and had a few points where I made mistakes but no actionable point of how that area can be improved. At CPO level I expect you to have basic product design sense and when I describe the screen roughly you should be able to imagine it but this A-hole will always stress on a proper product design with all the color and all and not even a wireframe.


Indian Startups on

by Gytgyt


Unacademy is synonymous to Toxicity

We all have heard about the toxic culture of Edtech. Unacademy is now in the top spot when it comes to companies with toxic culture. Any company cannot be more cruel than this: 1. Abusive language by leaders - COO, CBOs, SVP, VP and other leaders treat employees as slaves. They themselves have made huge lossess and are burning investors money but when any employee voice out their opinion/asks for leaves, the leaders abuse employees badly even in front of other stakeholders. 2. Forceful long working hours - Even if you complete your work in 8-9 hours, you are forced to sit for 11-12 hours just to show the founders. People hardly work after certain hours but they just have to sit and waste their time. This is tiring and there is no work life balance. No time to spend with family. I hardly get chance to spen time with child. 3. Late night reviews - So the company has started this new way of conducting monthly reviews late in the night. People are asked to sit till 2-3 AM for reviews. And this review is nothing but a setup where COO abuses the employees. 4. Forced paycuts - We have seen a forced paycut for the leaders (VP, SVP, Directors etc). 'No appraisal' was still somehow digestable but how can a company justify the degrowth in the earnings of their employees. Company has money to sponsor TVF web series (Sandeep Bhaiya), invite Standup comedians (Biswa and Prashasti), distribute pizzas to all the employees but when someone voices out for paycuts, they don't have money. 5. No Flexibility In Working The company witnessed its highest growth and revenue when 100% of the employees were working from home but now the founders think that people do not work from home so they have called everyone to work from office for 6 days a week. If someone asks for a work from home, the leaders denies or ask to apply leave to work from home. Be it rains, election, etc - we are asked to work from office. Even during the day of election in Karnataka we were called in the office.