
Jobless: Now getting same CTC as 8 months ago.

I finally got a job offer after being jobless for around 7-8 months now. But the company is offering me the same CTC I was previously drawing. Reasons they sighted were that I've been jobless for a long period now. Is this normal? The company is good. Has a good set of customers. Has raised good funding recently. Team seems to be good as well. But its the CTC that I'm unsure about.

What to do ?!

P.S. my prev CTC was also entry level pay, say 40k in hand on avg after all deductions.

6mo ago
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I don't see any relationship between offering a low salary and being jobless as long as you posses the skills it should not matter. They are paying you cause of your skills . But unfortunately I've seen a few cases like this. I don't think it's normal though. On one hand companies say they don't discriminate against caste , religion , ethnicity and on the other hand they go and offer lower salaries just because of employment status. This should change. Maybe clarify with them if this is their policy across the company or is it just a particular HR/HR team trying to give the lowest offer possible ?
Then again depends on your financial situation and how badly you want the job . Would suggest to politely request again and ask them to pay what your skills are worth and not employment status.


Hmm. Makes sense. Even I asked how is my unemployment period related to the CTC that you are offering. They said its the norm in such cases. I did mention that I have been actively contributing to OSS but they said they can't consider that as a full time employment. I am in need of a job right now as I have tried doing some things on my own as well as freelancing but nothing worked out. Got a family to take care of.


Damn that's sad to hear. Companies should change this pattern. Contributions to opensource is infact great to have. It shows you can work in async distributed teams. Having responsibilities makes this a tougher decission ...


Hi, i think being out of employment does have an impact but its not a big gap tbh. I think u should take the job and search for opportunities and make a switch!


Makes sense. Have the same thoughts now. Probably the best plan of action for now


What's your yoe?

That determines whether the 40k in hand is suitable or not imo. If you are < 2yr experience, go for it anyways. If the team & company are good, that's all that matters. You can compound your learnings and get a hike or switch. In this economy just having a job that allows you to learn as a fresher is amazing.

If you have > 2yoe, 40k pm is not that much. If you can't negotiate and don't have any other offers, take the job, focus on upskilling, and switch again in ~1yr.


I just had the same thought. Yes, I have less < 2 YoE and in this blood market, getting a job offer is very hard and my observation has been that people who have been very skilled and share their skills and learnings are the ones who have easily transitioned to other jobs. So, that made me understand that money follows you when you are skilled in your domain. I think its best I accept the offer and not think too much about this


Yeah for sure ! Just focus on compounding your skillset. You'll be surprised how quickly your salary can progress :)


Update : After speaking with all you amazing humans, I went ahead and accepted the offer which was the most logical and best decision. Thankyou everyone.

(Grapevine team, please add post edit option)


Accept the offer!! Honestly speaking 2yrs of exp is quiete less compare ro market demand. Join the firm stay for 1 yr. Turn your overall exp into 3 yrs. Take a high jump. By that time market will be more stable.

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