
Let's do this zindagi!

These are my thoughts that go through my head as I work towards a healthy and happy life. I wrote them down to never forget them, and come back to them whenever I lose sight. I am sharing this here in hopes that this might help someone else too, as a lot of us are going through something or the other since we got into adulthood. This is written in first person, so read it as something you are telling yourself :) ---------------------------------------------- It happened, it's in the past. There is nothing that I can do to change it. I can only learn and grow from my mistakes, from the wrongs that happened to me. I can change where I am, how I am and how I live my life. I have that power, and no one can take that away from me. . This time would never come back. If I don't like how my life is today, my standing, then I need to work on changing it. I need to ponder on the question "Do I want to be at this same place a few months down the road?" Yes, I am talking about months and not years, because if I don't like where I am today, I shouldn't be liking it ever, and it doesn't have to take a long time for me to realise this. . I won't ever have everything figured out, such is the nature of life. It's not a script; instead it is unscripted and spontaneous. There would always be something new, something that would demand my attention, something that is unfamiliar and uncertain, and I have to learn to live in the flow of it all. . I don't know where I am going, what will happen, what life has in store for me. I don't know anything, but isn't that beautiful? That this is that mysterious book, whose pages turn with time. But at the same time it isn't a mystery at all because what would happen to me would be the result of my work and efforts, at least to some extent, to the extent where things are under my control. . And if something went out of control in the past, till when should I punish myself over it? Till when should I keep doubting myself, keep being afraid? I am wiser now, and my future self would be too. I need to have faith in myself and believe that I am going to make the right decisions. I have a sensible head on me; I am intelligent, and aware. . Also, what is going to happen is unknown, uncertain, so why do I keep forgetting my own words? That I am not afraid of failing, rather I am afraid of not trying. Let's never forget it ever again. Let's do this life right, let me do right by myself. Let me live this life to the fullest. Let me gift myself the life I would be proud of having lived when I take my final breath and leave this world behind. Let me be present. Let me do it all and more. Let me squeeze life in the tightest of hugs that I could ever give, and not be the first one to let go. Let life let go of me when it's time. So until then, let's do this zindagi!




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by Slow_Cheetah


Don't read if you believe in "dreams"

The past year has been the best! I'm engaged to my long-term partner, making the first person I loved, my last. I'm working in my dream company and dream role I've finally moved out and have a healthy distance from my controlling family I wish I could say all of the above but you know what they say "You plan. God laughs' My life has become a joke. After years and years of nurturing my relationship and working on myself, I've achieved nothing personally or professionally. Being an overthinker, I'd detail everything from plan 'A' to plan 'Z' to ensure my dreams come true. I had an extraordinarily amazing relationship but when it came down to marriage he didn't have time to even think about it. I have a brilliant resume filled with distinction grades, extracurriculars, and leadership roles, and yet I couldn't score an interview let alone be shortlisted for any role I wanted. With no choice, I'm stuck in a job that I absolutely hate and have no interest in! And finally, after 26 years of living with my family and growing up to be a responsible adult and doing everything and more, they ask me, they still think the worst of me, call me names, hardly acknowledge my presence, and make me feel guilty for barely living my life. I'm honestly so emotionally drained and feel like my whole life has been a struggle, hoping for things to get better someday. But all I feel is stuck. Everyone around me is moving on with their lives - getting married, moving to a new city/country, getting roles in dream companies and I'm nowhere close to anything I want. Being a practical and logical person I would usually not take advice from random strangers on the internet but I'm keeping an open mind and I'd love to hear your thoughts on my depressing life! 💔 People below 25 yrs don't bother commenting, unless you want to start a crowd fund for my therapy. P.S. The last para is a joke. Don't come at me about it in the comment section. I do need therapy though, but can't afford it. Not from an experienced psychologist at least.


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by RiceBowl22


Remorse of losing moments: 'value' the experiences & avoid forced trade-off

In 2018, I was doing my BBA from Delhi University, when the cultural fest of our college invited ‘The Local Train’ band for a live show. Of course, they performed Choo lo, Aoge Tum Kabhi, Dil Mere, Bandey, which had all my heart (in 2018 and today). But I chose not to attend the fest. As a 20-yr old, I never reflected why I would have done that...But as a 26-yr-old, I did it today. For a long time, Aalas ka pedh had remained my favorite archive of emotions, feelings of coming of age & loneliness when I had not yet stepped out of the borders of my ‘home’, semblance of how a breakup feels like when I didn’t know what a relationship stands for (let alone being in one), longing for love when I couldn't distinguish it from the romantic movies of SRK. And yet, I chose not to attend the fest. It was a conscious choice. It didn't bother me. “I was not into live music or experiences”. Why? I was not sure about my reasoning then, but now I think it was because I didn't value the very feelings I got from listening to those songs - emotions, coming of age, loneliness, breakup, relationship or love, all of the feelings I got from listening to those songs. My mind was flooded with the thoughts of achieving “objective” metrics - marks, ranks, admission in xyz college, because they were right there, easy to understand and calculate; the input was the attention and hours I put and output were grades. To my mind, that seemed “easier to achieve” than going through the process of defining and valuing those emotions. 4 years after this event, I would have just started my 2nd job, when I heard that the Local Train had unofficially disbanded when the lead singer, Raman Negi, left the band for a solo career. I didn’t feel it that much - because the “objective” bug hadn’t left me, and the value I placed to those emotions - coming of age, loneliness, breakup, relationship or love - still couldn’t be “calculated”. 2 years later, today, I realized 2 things. 1. I will never be able to hear The Local Train “live”. I lost the multiple chances I had. It hits me every time I hear the album again. To “objectify” it, I exhausted my attempts (like in UPSC) and clearly failed. 2. In the past, I have mis-forced “trade-offs”. The decision to not attend had no positive implication on my “success”, but negative implication on who I am today. Those moments and experiences are the attempts to make memories that will form a major part of the brain, when you grow old, shape who you are. While you are doing trade-offs, you value the non-objective things by the number of attempts you have to make. It isn’t that difficult to count the attempts, just uncomfortable. If I had that effort of valuing those experiences and emotions “objectively” better and not forced the trade-offs, I could have been a different person today. 1. Attended those live concerts with my friends 2. Got the chance of dating my crush in MBA 3. Worked with a co-founder closely who I looked up to as a operator 4. Would have watched one of my favorite stand-up comics perform live 5. Many more… Hence, my request to young folks in their 20s to incorporate this method of valuing non-objective things and avoiding forced trade-offs.


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by PunyBlame


Making 78L at 32, but I feel like an imposter. Is this normal? (Self-reflection + seeking advice)

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