My cook is stealing things, what should I do?
I have seen my cook stealing ghee for more than three times. And I am also confident she does this very regularly . what should I do?
Most of the IT folks live with it, like I had a friend who was okay with it.
In his state, corruption was also structured. So he thought, his cook also deserves better, as long as they don't break the decorum
If they deserve better why not increase the pay rather than waiting for a disaster to happen?
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On a fine Sunday morning, after finishing her work my cook was leaving the house and I observed her blouse was oddly out of shape. (Pervs keep your head in place, she was 65 and a jolly old lady who cooked well).
Turns out she was pilfering onions via the blouse everyday. They'd reached ₹120 a kg back then and she just couldn't afford them to feed her family of 7.
I told her she didn't have to steal and just had to ask.
Ghee though isn't a necessity. Seems criminal.
Coy Lee
a year ago
Did you say that your cook comes on Sundays too? Man, then she deserves that ghee as well
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Would definitely say fire her, chances are that it's only going to get worse. I wouldn't want to spend my peace of mind on this
Isaiah Carmden
a year ago
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