Non Compete clause
My last company which is a early stage startup has 1 yr non compete clause in the employee agreement and which they asked us to get signed 4 months back on a very short notice to comply with investor requirements. We did it because of just compliance matter. Now I don't have good equation with them and have good offers from competitors. Please suggest should I proceed with the offer or look for something else which doesn't fall into non compete. Please share your experiences.
Non-compete litigations takes years in court and is very hard to enforce. You can inquire more about it from a lawyer.
You should be fine with whatever company you choose to join.
Non compete clauses don't really hold up. Usually they only try to just file a case against you and hope you'll probably back off. Then eventually they let it go because it's a lot of time and waste of money for both the parties unless you are some hotshot who has stolen some secret trade