Thinking of building a bill payments app
An app which consolidates all you recurring expenses in one place helps you pay, remember and track?
What do you guys think?
How do you manage your reimbursable bills? Is there an app?
Or do you just take photos of petrol bills, clothes bills etc?
It’s a pain in the ass to keep these bills and then upload, but if you do it correctly, I’ve seen people save a lot. Is it worth the hassle?
An app which consolidates all you recurring expenses in one place helps you pay, remember and track?
What do you guys think?
Hi all,
My organisation does reimbursement of the following upto around 15-20k. Can you suggest some good things that I can get benefit of under this.
how do you guys track expenses? I need to simply know how much I spent since my salary last credited. Where was it spent ..etc
I just read the bank statement of my salary acc at the end of the month. This feels like manual effort. I wi...
This should include everything from home bills, entertainment, medical expenses, trips etc. When I was single (back in 2016), my expenses were around 20k per month.
Now I easily go above 1L every month (without rent, we live in our ow...
20 K + 20 K in 2016 -> approx 35 K + 35 K = 70 K (assuming 7% inflation over 8 years). Extra 30 K can be attribu...
I found myself in a similar situation. I was hardly able to figure out whats going on. So this is what I did. 1...
Create an excel and make a habit of entering pareto expenses every month (The count would be at best 20 items). Fo...