How do you screen resumes
To HRs and TAs pf this group:
How does resume screening happen at your org ?
What is the process of resume screening that most of the HR's follow?
Or should I ask...
Is there even any process that HR's follow while screening resume.
If you are from HR department ur insights would be highly appreciated! Thanks in advance..
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To HRs and TAs pf this group:
How does resume screening happen at your org ?
When you have an open position and you start getting tons of resumes,how do you shortlist.? How much time you take to read ? what is that you look into resume ??
I have been looking to switch since last 3 months but not getting calls for an interview hardly able to get 1 interview in a month. Whichever job I apply for 1000s have already applied before... What is the suggestion?