TCS - C3A - Assistant Consultant
Got an offer for C3A role (total yoe - 9.8yrs) for 26lpa.
- Should I try to get C3B role for my experience
- For VP - there are 2 components listed (i) Monthly Performance Pay - 15k (ii) Performance Pay (Quarterly) - 22k
- What is an emergency fund in TCS.?
I feel 17% VP (4.5L) in total CTC (26L) is too high. The HR said, this 15k monthly will be paid in full. And quarterly pay of 66k (22k x 3) will also be paid. Is this true or some deduction will be there?
Please let me know if this is the norm VP in TCS and share some tips to negotiate for more fixed pay..

Don't get into C3B as C3B and above gets highest variable pay reduction..Till C3A it's okay. even C3A also sometime gets less variable the C2 and below. Also though it's hard now to get promoted in TCS but you will have 1 room for promotion for C3B. Promotion difficulties is too much to go above C3B

Thanks, @I_dont_know_how_to_ How much VP payout % can I expect out of the 4.5L ..?

Mostly 100 percent but still depend on which project you land.. I am in Good IOU and I didn't seen variable cut since I have been C3A. but some of my colleague in other IOU have got 75 percent sometime..But yes it's mostly depends on the project you land.

Quarterly variable pay 22k is good enough as it amounts to 88k per year but there would be deductions. Monthly performance pay there will be no deductions if you are in billable. promotion from C3A to C3B is comparatively easy than C3B to C4.

For C3A you got high package similar to C3B. Variable will be reduced for quarterly for c3A and above. From last 1 year every quter C3A getting 60-70% and C3B getting 35-60% variable pay quarterly. Decision is yours. Also now they linked variable to WFO number of days. So it's different to get 100% anytime now, it will be in dream.

Variable pay is too high. Fixed 25-30lpa is okay

An employee can be eligible for a C3A role at TCS if he/she has an experience of more than 4 years. If you find the variable pay to high, you can try for a job role from C3A to C3B at TCS. Before making an abrupt decision, discuss with the HR about this role once, talk about the remunerations and perks for this role. On 26LPA, 17% variable pay is really a lot. Of course, more fixed pay is an option, but you need to justify them about your ask. To back your statement about the salary or job roles, you can search for recent market trends and average salaries from reputed sites like Glassdoor or Ambitonbox.

In my opinion, you should go for the C3A role because
- The pay is really good for C3A band, and
- You will get promoted to C3B sooner or later.
But if you go for C3B, getting promoted to C4 is way more difficult and tedious. Plus, the quarterly variable of 22k is good enough as it will be about 88k per year. Of course, the last decision is yours. You should also consider the other perks of each role.

If you have more than 4 years of experience you are eligible for a C3A grade role at TCS. Since you already have 9.8 years of experience, you can also try for from C3A to C3B promotion in TCS, if you find the variable pay too high. You can discuss with HR once about the 3B role in detail and make a decision.
17% VP on 26 LPA is very high. There’s always room for discussion about more fixed pay, but you should let them know about your expectations and justify your ask.
You can see the industry standards and market trends for your role so that you can back your expectations with some data.

Hey great to hear that you got an offer for the C3A role at TCS. I feel, given that your total experience of 9.8 years, you might be eligible for the C3B role but also keep in mind that the variable pay for C3B and above tends to get reduced significantly. So, I feel it's better to stick to C3A for now, as it's easier to get promoted to C3B from C3A than to get from C3B to C4.
You also asked about the VP components, so here the monthly performance pay of ₹15,000 will be paid in full, if that is confirmed by your HR and the quarterly performance pay of ₹22,000 will also be paid in full, which amounts to ₹66,000 per quarter though there might be some deductions, but am not sure if they will apply.
But, keep in mind that the final amount you get for your quarterly bonus might be less than expected because of some deductions. The bonus for C3A jobs has usually been between 60% and 70% lately, so you might only get up to ₹22,000 instead of the full amount.
Also answering your question on emergency fund, It's a part of your salary you save for unexpected costs. It's smart to save at least 3-6 months worth of living expenses in this fund for future use.
Your worries about the VP's salary are understandable and also valid, but it's important to remember that it's connected to your own work and the company's success and as always, good work could lead to more variable pay, so I suggest you talk to TCS HR for exact numbers and variable pay amount.

CTC - In hand Salary
I got an offer from TCS with 15 lpa CTC. Can anyone please tell me what would be the in hand salary? Also i see a component 'Monthly performance pay', will it be rolled out along with the monthly pay/quarterly basis?

Salary Negotiation
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Current CTC: 9.2 LPA.

Salary comparison. LTI Mindtree and TCS
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