What Life wants from me?
Yesterday I have given my gate-Xe , being a mechanical engineering student, it was good to write this as I dont want to go to core sector but to product management/Consulting, I have given this exam just for the sake of giving it in order to score good rank so that I could feel that I have achieved something , i genuinely prepared whole heartedly and studied every concepts did variety of questions and was expecting the rank under 500-1000 as per my preparation but Yesterday IISC Bangalore ask the questions which has never even asked in the history of Gate XE and I didn't study those topics , that made me anxious, although I solved enough questions but silly mistakes costed me a lot , now I don't have any hope to secure good rank , I failed my jee twice and was thinking this time that atleast I could score good but didn't expect this from myself , I m very depressed , it has been six years when I was preparing for jee and today when I am writing this and nothing changed in my life despite of working hard , at that time also I was surrounded by failures and today also I am surrounded by failures🙂🙂🙂
It's the testing phase of your life brother.
IIT-IIM definitely matters and can shape the life for good, no doubt.
But, there is a world beyond it, and pretty big world to be honest.
Identify your core interest first (e.g., for me it was growth & marketing, and my college degrees are nowhere close to my current profession) and it will help you start shaping your life.
Stay strong and keep acing. 💪🏾
With winter now, can spring be far behind?
-Read somewhere on the internet.
Agree with @Gems_Bond
Your mindset is in spiders web - "surrounded by failures" (yes, you didn't know, you thought it's negligible thought) - there are many ways to bring you out of this, but the core ones would be - can I see positives in the past in that environment? (Because mindset/perspective is first thing for 0-1. Later, everything comes under 1-10
You're trying hard physically (writing exams etc..), this falls under 1-10. But without clarity on 0-1. Try this - manifest +ve things about your surroundings for a week or two. You'll see the change in results (not drastic, but a positive one that converts you to have no fear, no matter what)
IISC is whole different level, you don't compare this with any exam in the country. Yet you appeared, just treat that as, "Hey there! I gave my best in IISC, I TRIED what many people feared, I guess, I'm ready for something tougher than IISC"
I’m on the same boat as @Gems_Bond. I yanked my gmat horribly last year but I’ll be preparing again this year. If it ain’t happening, chuck it and look out for other things. One thing I’ve learned is that there is a right time to do certain things. Once the window is out, no point stressing over it. On to the next one.
Yes I know that management consulting and product management that I am targeting are also nowhere close to my degree and I am targeting GMAT/gre for mim program but I genuinely wanted to score a good rank so that I don't regret that I get failed in something after my jee
Bruh focus on one thing and not 5 different things. If you want to get into management consulting then do a job for 2 yrs and then do an MBA. Gate ain't getting you there