It's been 4 months now, going regularly almost 5-6 days a week. Training single muscle everyday from past 2 weeks along with deadlift every alternate days.
Bench press (flat, incline, dec)- 40kgs (8-10reps)
Dumbell bench press - 15kg each (12-15 reps)
Deadlift - 50kg (8-10 reps)
Leg press - 70kg (12-15reps)
Chest press - 40kg (6-10reps)
So overall there's a slight increase in weights that I have been using which is nice. But the body weight isn't reducing much. I want to reach the 70kg which would be my ideal weight and I could still see a lot of fat that needs to be burned. But overall it's greattt. I am a bit irregular to cardio in gym but I walk almost an hour every day.
Comment down your progress below and any tips for reducing weight that have worked for you.