
Companies accepting 90 Days NP

Hi all, can you suggest which companies are currently hiring and accept 90 days notice period?

7mo ago

I think all service based WITCH companies are hiring but when it comes to notice period, they give opportunity to early joiners mostly within 30-45 days.


Oh ok

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IT Company Discussion
by PrancingLlamaSoftware Developer

Orgs accepting 90 days notice.

Can you guys please list down name of companies which accept 90 days notice. I know there won't be a lot but I need at least one offer to resign.

I haven't received any callback so far and I suspect this could be because 90 days notice...

Software Engineers
by ZoomyWalrusGojek

Is the 60 days notice period too much?

Hi Folks I recently got an offer and the notice period over there is 60 days. In my past companies it was 30 days everywhere. Just wanted to know your opinion.

Top comments

Government should create more strict labour laws atleast to save us from these corporates for the tax we generate to ...


Mine is 90 I feel like drowning in Harpic


60 days is common. Avoid 90 in any case.