
Depression all along

I am 27 and earning 20 LPA, The recent project change requires me to work more than 12 hrs a day. Couldn't give time to myself or quit the job as the emi's will haunt me. And also couldn't keep up the expectations of regular Indian parents to buy a car, house and get married.

The work pressure, parental expectations, societal behaviour makes me feel soo depressed and sometimes i think of leaving everything and die. Please provide some suggestions how to get out from this situation. Please..

3mo ago

Try to make out time for yourself. Even somehting as similar as going to the juice shop for sugarcane juice will help.


Its just a phase. Once it passes, you will look back and smile. Every second endured will make you feel proud and confident. Do just hangin there. Read, watch positive and motivational stuff. Take help of spirituality. Start maintaining a journal to clear your thoughts


Try to set the right expectations stating how burnt out you are..
Look for strategies or delegate your work to be more effective.. take breaks and go for a couple of minutes of walk.. If all of the above doesn't work then look for other team with work life balance or other organisations may be ...
Rest all you are doing fine.. stay strong..

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