
domain roles in hcl

Can anyone share the info on different domain roles in HCL with me? Thanks in advance!

2mo ago

Basically domain is the area of your expertise. There are different domains like support, development, etc. In each domain, there are different domain roles in HCL like associate or trainee, then you have tech specialist, then architect and domain consultant. It goes like that.


Ok, let me help you out here. I guess you are planning to join HCL. The domain roles in HCL are Domain Consultant, Domain Architect, Technical Specialist and Graduate Engineer Trainee. You can apply for a trainee position if you are a fresher. Hope it helps.


I work in HCL and I can tell you about the different domain roles in HCL. If you want to work at this company, the domains that you can apply for are Domain Consultant, Domain Architect, Technical Specialist and Graduate Engineer Trainee.


Wow! You really want to know about domain roles in HCL? I mean the company is not doing any good. Rather than working in HCL, you can actually go to some other company. If you want to join as a fresher that’s fine. Par I think there are many other good tech companies in India which have far better roles and positions than the ones in HCL.

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