Why is that? Do they choose sending rejections via email as an easy way out - cause of the volume? Is hiding behind emails WAYYYYY easier?
Is the basic mindset that .. anyways X is/ are rejected, why waste time there?
Isn't that mindset toxic and weird at the same time.
I mean - if you can pick up the phone to string a potential hire along, push them through the process, you can sure as hell pick up the phone to be honest.
Isn't that a valid expectation from the other party?
Your convenience is a proxy for avoiding hard conversation.
Cowardice at its best. Ignorant at its core.
No wonder 9/10 Recruiters don't get Recruitment - no matter what you say.
Cause you (recruiters) default to transactions.
And if you (recruiters/ anyone in the org) are wondering - but no one complained about it?
Sad truth is - They (candidates/ job seekers) screamed their lungs out, but you never listened. And now most of them have accepted this as a norm.
This is what is killing Recruitment.
Candidates deserve better. But they stopped asking.
You can do better. But you stopped trying.
IMHO The best you can do is - give them a closure. Not an automated email.
Oh! before I forget .. To all those Hiring Managers who say - HR/TA will get back to you. You ain't any better. Period.
Effort without honesty is just a facade - Recruitment needs both to regain its integrity.