
Grapevine, what was your worst professional moment form 2024?

For me 2024 was hard because this is the first time I got laid off from any job. But that happened in March. I was already in another job by June and now have a good scene going to all good 👍 But the layoff and the job finding sucked

2mo ago

A fake POSH case. I escalated against a girl who literally did no work. Next week, HR called me on POSH allegations that I made proposal to that girl & since she denied, I'm taking revenge. She shared fake screenshot of some chat. I was suspended for 15 days before finally I could come clean & the girl got suspended. I was on the verge of killing myself


Horror story! I can only imagine what those 15 days may have felt like for you


damn, this is the stuff nightmares are made of


I was fired in the beginning of 2024. Felt very bad, depressed and anxious. I had worked my ass off for this job, was literally treated like a slave by my boss who sits in the US. He is an Indian American who has no respect for India and openly abuses the country infront of everyone, even though he grew up here and has his parents here. I literally did a lot of free work, hired new comers and even trained the new comers hired at my level, and even monitored them for a while, all this at the same junior level pay. Then one fine morning, I was called in and let go. I realised the new employees were my replacements and the management had planned my firing a long time ago.

After getting fired, I did all the things I wanted to do in my new free time, all those things I was postponing due to work commitments. Got my dream job after 9 months, a job that I wanted to do since many years but could not due to my skill set. After I was fired I took the time out to gain those skills and finally I landed in my dream industry and dream job.


Oh god. Your ex boss and company sound like a terrible bunch of people. Honestly GV doesn’t allow this but I want to use the word: a##hole. Good riddance

Cool stuff tho that you got the dream job and industry eventually. That’s what’s most important.


What I learned from your experience is that critical process should never be shared.


Not personally, but seeing a two close friends face anxiety issues due to work. Made me realize the cost of all of it. And made me want to take a step back personally.

We've really started overthinking about what we do. Of course, it's important too.

But I genuinely feel many successful people actually ENJOY what they do and that helps them keep going.


Ah man that’s a dark and sad area. Work certainly affects our mental health so much ://


Manager, who is of different ethnicity (indian), forced me to resign to promote and breed their same ethnic group.

Though I was performing well, manager isolated me by assigning new projects. They forcefully created a toxic environment. I eventually moved to a different team for the peace of my mind.


Sorry it happened to you man. That sucks :(


This trend is becoming common :(


Why u have to spend 3 months in job serachinh i heard in one month mosr are getting jobs


For the good job you have to wait man. I finally got to a top startup :))


Congrats hwo u get this opportunity when u were laid off?


Attempt of a silent lay off at Northern Trust Bank. Which I escaped by finding a job in a week and resigning. But the drama was unnecessary and stressful and created unnecessary stress.
All of this because I was working for a racist manager, who had some issues with Indian people and their way of working. She would keep saying because of Indians, people in her country are losing jobs. Well then either skill up or move to India.


OMG That's racist as hell


From which country was your ex-manager?


Early in the year jan got to know from my toxic boss that even after being top performer i am going on PIP for "behavioural issues" plus threats of POSH , no bonus no appraisal. Rage quit with 2 day notice period by HR, 15 days into PIP marking exit on 23rd feb, fix myself, learned, quit alcohol and cigarette. Got job in November more than 2x+ my last pay fully wfh and a non toxic work culture phew.


Recently joined a new organization, not gonna name it, but after I joined and started working for a client, the manager wanted to transition internal employee of the same company from some tech support role to UX, after 3 months they've mentioned my experience is not genuine and removed me and converted me into a contractor. I have provided all the proofs that I can, but didn't notice that everything was planned and executed so well. I felt broken, and betrayed but I had to keep going. 🥲 The new girl was sent to the client as my replacement but they(client) got to know that her experience was fake and they removed her. Karma. 😁


Kya toxocity , please name the org for wider benefit :)


Started the year with a weird project where as a Product Manager had to take all responsibility apart from development. Raised concern with management to staff all roles missing, management agreed ulitmately for additional folks on the project, but I became the scapegoat stating I panicked. During this monthly milestone project all deliveries were done on time and with client appreciation. Due to some weirdo Indian US based delivery manager got the worst feedback as he came under pressure due to lack of his interest and foresight. Got laid off from a dream company and job in July this year. Have had no luck since then to get a new job came close to offers in three companies but finally did not work out. Having the worst of a professional year going into the new year with zero hopes. Nobody values experience of a 18 yeo product manager. Some of the TAs in service organisation have no respect for anyone.


Sad to hear this


I got fired in February, 2024. I got this job back in Jan 2023 and the level of politics i have seen since then peaked. It was a job under one my dream mentor, so I didnt wanted to give up and wanted to prove myself. But the overall level of politics was: I was sent in PIP, we lost one of colleague to brain stroke, had multiple abusive bosses and coworkers.

I was a PM and I was usually tried to be bullied by even the lower level Developers. Whenever I asked for any data or project update: I was mocked and humiliated badly. Further they were encouraged by other PM(i was his bait for the angry brooding developers). And then one Senior PM joined, and he was such an a** (I saw negative reviews about him on glassdoor) and I used to pray before any meeting with him. There was even a time when I used to call my mom like it would be my last call before any meeting with Senior management. Even when the colleague died, we were given no therapy, we were just thwarted into another mindless project.

I even complained to HR about this behavior of developers but she added the Sr. PM and made matter more worse and laid the whole blame target and blame on me. He made me sound like a school kid complaining unnecessarily to a teacher.

This job was important for me, because I was also fired from previous job and I really wanted to do prove myself I am good at my job.

Ever since firing, I donot have the dare to join anywhere else. Its will be 11 months by New Years. I have been working on my own products, but nothing as of income. I am not gonna go to that hell back or I wont surv***

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