I got fired in February, 2024. I got this job back in Jan 2023 and the level of politics i have seen since then peaked. It was a job under one my dream mentor, so I didnt wanted to give up and wanted to prove myself. But the overall level of politics was: I was sent in PIP, we lost one of colleague to brain stroke, had multiple abusive bosses and coworkers.
I was a PM and I was usually tried to be bullied by even the lower level Developers. Whenever I asked for any data or project update: I was mocked and humiliated badly. Further they were encouraged by other PM(i was his bait for the angry brooding developers). And then one Senior PM joined, and he was such an a** (I saw negative reviews about him on glassdoor) and I used to pray before any meeting with him. There was even a time when I used to call my mom like it would be my last call before any meeting with Senior management. Even when the colleague died, we were given no therapy, we were just thwarted into another mindless project.
I even complained to HR about this behavior of developers but she added the Sr. PM and made matter more worse and laid the whole blame target and blame on me. He made me sound like a school kid complaining unnecessarily to a teacher.
This job was important for me, because I was also fired from previous job and I really wanted to do prove myself I am good at my job.
Ever since firing, I donot have the dare to join anywhere else. Its will be 11 months by New Years. I have been working on my own products, but nothing as of income. I am not gonna go to that hell back or I wont surv***