
Have anyone got pissed off with the company portal's job application process?

Hi, Lately, I have been applying for jobs through LinkedIn, Glassdoor, career pages, etc. But out of all, the most irritating or tedious is to apply directly on the company's career page! 99 out of 100 times, our resume gets rejected, but to get there, how many details they ask!

  • Log in and verify the email
  • Upload the resume
  • Again, give personal details
  • Again, rewrite education details
  • Again, fill skill sets
  • Rewrite the same skills and experience from the resume to their portal
  • Tick marks! OMG Have you worked before? Or are you part of the military? Are you having a disability? Are you part of XYZ org before, etc., etc.? The list is endless!!

I mean, why can't this be crisp with 1-page detail!? Min it takes 5-10 min to fill all these details and end up getting an email "unfortunately, we don't have the right opportunity for your candidature!"

I don't know, not many are speaking about this! 😐

9mo ago
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You guys not tried Workday? Where you create individual username and password for each company you apply to.




Company portals are like Indian bureaucracy - slow, tedious, and often pointless. But, "Darr ke aage jeet hai", right? Why not simplify the process, corporates?


Workday worst job portal ever

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