
Maybe just another lost soul

Hi all, just looking for guidance or maybe similar people. Working in a service based company from past two years. Got this job from college placements. Work feels monotonous at best and there is nothing challenging. I don't even care about the pennies I am earning, nothing feels good. No sense of purpose. Want to switch not even getting a single selection mail lol. Maybe my resume is weak IDK. Maybe want to pursue higher studies again IDK. Maybe I want to change entire field and go into something animation related, again IDK. Ahh IDK what I am even writing, I just get bored of everything very fast and can't imagine myself working in same field for very long. Also, I want to learn everything at same time. Does any of this even makes sense!? Sorry, if this post wasted your time 🥲

7mo ago
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It makes sense. Literally a lot of ppl feel all this. No job would be challenging everyday for sure. But of-course it should pay well and growth should be decent in the career path. You can sit quiet and think as to what you want. Write somewhere on paper and write your goals as to what do u want exactly (education- it will give good break and a degree or career change- whether u have skills where u wanna move? Or job switch- same role but better pay).


@PinkHedge Hi, thanks for replying. I have tried sitting quietly and thinking about it, I came up with no conclusion. However, I will try again.


We are in same boat bro. Try going to gym and set short goals and work on it. I too need to try.


@TwinPrivate han bhai, thanks for replying

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