
Need Help

To the senior people in the industry I need your advice badly.

My background: I am a 2023,CSE graduate from NSUT Dwarka (Tier -1) college. I had an offee from company with CTC of 12LPA and that offer got revoked.

Currently I am working in a service based startup with peanuts as sallary. The work I am being assign here is mainly of Langchain and ML(which I don't have much interest in but can do if required).How do you get out of this company and should I stay here just for experience for atleast one year.

please drop your valuable suggestions

15mo ago

Stay there for a year being your first job. Figure out what you like to do, upskil if required, find options in the market and then make a move. Meanwhile try to learn as much as you can on your current job.


Great advice

I see many new grads who've quit their first job within a year. Personally would never hire them unless they have a good reason


Should I learn the technology on which company is not even working on? Just like many college graduates now a days I only know DSA and not so good in development


I wish I get to work on this tech, PS I am a backend engineer, long term scope is stll good in this, rest your choice


Hey, NSUT has good brand name. Find job openings on Linkedin. U shld reach out to ur seniors in same company and ask them to refer u internally. With your pedigree you will find a 15L job if you are able to crack interviews

Secondly prep for CAT or GRE get MBA/MS if interested.

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