People who go to the cult.fit
What's your workout plan like? I've been going to cult.fit for awhile now, but I've never had a workout plan. I just book S&C at 8am and go 5/7 days. I want to bring more structure to it. So please share what your plan is like.

What are your fitness goals? Are you enjoying the current schedule?

Well I started at 93kgs. After a year, I'm now at 84kgs. My goal is to get to 77-78kgs.
I was enjoying it but it got too monotonous. So definitely there's a scope to change.

Cool, looks like you have a scope to add BURN in your workout plan. Try cycling as well if it’s available. The one great thing about cult is - you can try all different workouts without any friction. From yoga to boxing, everything will contribute towards your goal.
P.S. - I follow a strict regime of S&C/HRX/Burn/Cycling, it helps me break the monotony and achieve my fitness goals.

Running -> S&C - Running -> Rest -> S&C -> Running -> Yoga

Substitute 2 days with Yoga/pilates. 1 day of cardio/burn. 3 days of weight training with above is ideal. Can increase / decrease basis motivation

Cult fit elite membership BLR
Any of my tech bros who took a cult fit membership and are now unable to continue due to any reasons, itd be great if you can share your membership with me! if need be i can pay for it reasonably. Please dm me or reply to the thread. Let...

What's your workout routine?
I workout at home with a mix of calisthenics and a very small variation of strength training, and some yoga. Curious to know what everyone's upto and how that has helped.

How do you make time for exercise
I really hope to understand how most of you make time for exercise (if you do) after a whole day of work, with family, friends and other things to catch up on. I’m a couch potato and don’t eat that healthy - so happy to hear advice