What you were planning to do - add some touches to already existing drawing
What you are asked to do - Paint a new picture
This is a golden opportunity , not many of us get it . You have a chance to be a thought leader. There is no one to force you to follow their footsteps.
Be creative , use this freedom , this is your chance to shine.
Make most of it , take one step at a time. Start with refreshing your skills. Learning as you go. Since there is no existing route to follow each step you take in any direction is a new path.
There are no mistakes , only lessons to learn.
There is no right or wrong , start walking even if slowly. Just take the step.
Most importantly , don't wait for a savior.
Nobody is going to come and save you , you have to save yourself.
One thing i will suggest , is start documenting your journey.
You are asked to do something , write it in a diary
- Asked to do xyz ,
Then write a plan , how are you going to do it.
Break the problem in to small manageable task , finish one task at a time.
- start with x , then do y and then z
If there is a problem solving a task , write it down.
- Unable to x, cause I don't have expertise / don't know this / that.
Then write how you will solve this problem. fix the cause for the problem.
- will ask , research , learn how to do x
Each problem you solve you will be closer to the goal.
At the end of this you will come out as a much better person.
Goodluck , Godspeed !