
POSH policy

Off late I come across more posts reg. POSH policy.

hence the post. I thought i would share few of my insights so that if anyone is going through such harassments can be aware of the policy and report it and know that they are not alone.

Applicable to? As per govt law, POSH (Prevention Of Sexual Harrasment) act focuses mainly on Female employees only. Having said that companies are making sure POSH is applicable for male employees as well to avoid gender bias. Please do note it varies company to company.

What comes under/ can be reported to POSH?

  1. Anything which is uncomfortable(sometimes conversation could not directly related to us but that is making us uncomfortable), unhealthy comments, violating your personal space, inappropriate gestures, mean comments passed falls under harrasment.
  2. Main thing is these incidents should have happened between you and your office employees ( please note that it doesn't need to be within your team alone). Ex-employee also could report but there are time period restrictions.
  3. Incident could have happened in office or outside office or any office related events or any personal space. Personal space has more criteria FYI.

POSH team will consider the complaint only if incident happened within 6 months as per the law.

Who can report POSH Complaint? Person who faced the harassment or co-worker can complaint on behalf of person who is facing harassment

How can we report POSH? to your manager or HR or directly to POSH committee.

POSH committee members normally shouldn't be gender biased which is why they make sure Internal committee has mix of male and female employees. Also they should collect evidences, do validations to make sure complaint is genuine or not. If companies are not having POSH committee like this then it's a serious red flag.

if any doubts reg. POSH policy check with you HR to make sure your understanding aligns or not.


Hopefully this helps to understand.

9mo ago

A lot of this is invoked for harassment of any kind, which in my opinion dilutes sexual harassment cases


understand the concern but sexual harrasment doesn't mean only physical, verbal, non-verbal actions as well.

Also, every complaint has to checked by POSH committee and if it's something needs addressal that has specific timeline to close the complaint as well.

if complainant didn't like POSH committee's judgement the they can also raise the complaint in court. If the complainant choose to use both the platforms that's also allowed.


Yes agreed. But now it has started in sexuality context too. Like the HSBC case, it was a racist and sexist remark but not sexual harassment. Though it was still put to POSH


Is it based on how the remark is perceived by the aggrieved party? Regardless of the intent or context?

That opens it up to a lot of loopholes.


@Umadbro I'm not sure what good intent or context has for insensitive and sexist remarks.

Sometimes it could be misunderstanding as well which should be cleared out.

for an instance pulling/teasing friends is mostly ok. That doesn't mean i can act same with my colleagues even they might not be ok with it and i shouldn't think or say like others are fine only you have problem with it.

End of the day CONSENT matters. I understand it's very subjective but we should respect everyone's boundaries.

Instead of worrying about loop holes let's try to make sure we are not creating hostile environment. Like i said it's not like complaint raised immediately that is blindly believed and actions will be taken.

Some process is involved to ensure law is not being utilised for wrong reasons.


Posh can be for male employees too... Okk nice. Thank you for informing.

I will check with my company policies


POSH policy is to ensure employees feel safe and secure.

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