Pros and Cons of Unlimited Leave Policy
What are the pros and corns of ULP?
What are the pros and corns of ULP?
Pro: looks good on paper Con: It's not technically unlimited, and most of the time you'll be looked down upon for taking even a single leave
It has turned up on research that employees take less leaves with unlimited leave policy. When the is a firm number saying X number of leaves, you are entitled to them. You'll most probably consume all of them in a year.
Unlimited leave sounds cool but you don't get that feeling of entitlement. It's a privilege that you may feel guilty of 'overusing'.
Yes, I have read it somewhere that Netflix first implemented it and saw drastic reduction in employees taking leave, means more hours to company. When the responsibility is given to you, one tend to take less leave. However, I see most US and Europeans take more holidays than Indians with this approach, it’s culture and strong WLB that’s could be a reason to this.
There are no Pro's.... only con's..
Most manager keep a track of how many cigarettes' one smokes in a day. do you really think they are going to let you finish your work and leave? This is India, manager's work with the "house slave" mentality, and think the team members are "field Slaves".
I am lucky that way, that’s not the case with me for sure!