Ques to Younger Siblings: How did you manage life when elder ones left home for study/work?
Elders leaving the home do not realise the void they leave behind How did you, at such young age, manage life - new experiences, body changes, parents' attention

ah im that elder ones, seems like apache helicopters in my home were handling pretty well, occupied my space, i’ve to beg to be on my own room when i goto home!

😂😂 it seemed so, but maybe you should ask them this question some time

i dont think they had any troubles at all, plus i know them, they are stupid af, mostly i used to take a lead and help them with their decisions, now they’re smart, (still stupid af) to make a call.
yk there was one post of yours, wherein i mentioned first borns are always experiments, we’ve to experience everything firsthand, pass it on to juniours, never had a privilege to look upto someone myself who can guide me like bhaiya-didi type!
most of them were out of reach, or busy with their hustles, gladly im none of it

Damn. Too relatable. Brother mostly stayed away due to college and work ever since I was in 8th grade. Didn't really manage it. Just flowed with it I guess. Even then, he did help in making some decisions that have been very instrumental in shaping my career.

It was so similar in my case. Kept in touch over phone chats, but couldn't be there for important events 😢

Good question. I've always wanted to know the answer to this. A few anecdotes that I heard while being away from home were mostly of negative experience for my younger sibling

😅 I always thought they were side characters to our film. But it is also vice versa in their case. Now happy to play that supporting role

Both of my siblings left home town and settled in abroad. Initially when one sibling left home I didn't feel much difference because I still had another one with me..but when both of them left home..this made a lot of difference. I am the youngest of all..I grew up facing no responsibilities and I was always treated as a small kiddo. Now all of a sudden I feel I need to be more responsible, behave more matured, take care of my parents because I am the only one left here and the void that they left is inexplainable. But this is how life is.

