Should I move to gurgaon from Bangalore? They're offering 20 base.
I'm a resident of Karnataka, I'm unemployed currently, i thought I would get offers in Bangalore (still giving interviews). This gurgaon offer came along. They want me to do the hybrid model to the gurgaon office. Not sure what to do.
Exp; 5 CTC: 23, 20 base + bonus
What’s your tech stack?
Security focused automation with python, aws
If you are unemployed right now & don’t have family responsibilities, then I guess you might benefit from moving. You’d find people very welcoming and the weather pretty rough.
As a safety tip, buy an air purifier during winter months and get an AC room/PG for summers. Buy lots of blankets and sweaters as winters get pretty cold. People are rough tongued here, but are generally very helpful & loving. You’d face some language problems as people in the north have one common language and the politicians have made them believe that it’s the national language. The cost of living will be slightly lower and people will have booze in office, it’ll feel weird in the beginning but in the end it’ll be great. Welcome to Gurugram @DeepDawn .
Background: I’m a North Indian, I find both places equally good.
Of course, being unemployed is pathetic, I've been hunting for a year. It's a good place. Unless you have problems with 'north Indians' unnecessarily.
Might be a bit of a shocker for you since you're from Karnataka. But if you go with an open mind, it might work. If you have nothing else right now, might be worth a shot
Just try Gurgaon