Should I take leap of faith ?
Hello everyone
I am currently in my 4th year of Btech CSE and doing a 6-month internship in a fintech company
Here I don't get to work on real projects just time waste tasks and empty assurances that one day I will get
In FOMO, I did grind leetcode and also got a job but never been able to become very good at it
I started doing projects (MERN) after work, on weekends it feels great to do projects but the thing is that I get limited time and the projects do not appear a big deal to anyone as I am making them on my own (No to " tutorial hell") gradually process of learning
So my question is should I quit my job and develop my skills in MERN and other tech as I still have btech left it will not appear as a gap
Also, I have 2-3 product ideas in my mind that I can work on
Should I take a leap of faith?
Do Along with job. But its up to you to decide on different factors
What i think doing with the job will just stretch the timeline and mediocre results
Also i am not getting any learning that will make me a better developer
I can never be 22 again :)
Just discussing
If money is no issue you can do whatever u want right, so I think you have your answer
You are almost on the right path. It's just that you need to identify projects that matter.
Get in touch with someone senior in the industry who is looking to create an MVP for their idea and see what you can do.