
Struggles between personal and professional life

Single bread winner, the pressure to do better in life and not fulfilled dreams, the regret for missing out my 20s, heart break, toxic relationships, underpaid inflation of the current time, paying off debt, trying to live a better life.. Trust me I'm so done it feels I'm having so much on my plate and I can't seem to think straight I'm so much done mentally, emotionally and physically.. I want to live and enjoy small moments of life .. Never thought adulting can push one in the corner of dark phases in life 😭😭😭

28d ago

You are not alone. It's a common issue among everyone.


Yeah.. But it's truly difficult to lose out on the purpose of living


Hang in there. Adulting is a thousand bleeding cuts. But all you need is one good day to turn it around.

Good times are round the corner. Keep your head high. When a lot of shit is happening, your brain at somepoint will start to switch priorities. It'll begin to truly think only about the things that matter.

Don't overthink. 🙂 Just hang in there and give your life some time.

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Seeing parents getting old and inactive 🥲


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Tough guy, I wouldnt have survive half of this


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Life lessons

You are 35. What have you stopped believing in that you totally believed in when you were 25?

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