
Thread: What do you feel is your life’s purpose?

I know it’s a very common question, and impossible to know or answer. But curious how you folks here rationalize the meaning of life.

Add your age if that’s okay, for good measure

For me: I’m 27, my life’s purpose (or so I think) is to build something that helps a whole lot of people have a better life. And it is to make the people around me - family, friends, strangers happier (the scale of which depends on how successfully I pull this off).

Whats yours? Would love to engage on this :)

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I'm 25, My purpose in life

Work :- to build something which would directly or indirectly contribute to sustainability, generate income for marginalized people.

Family:- Build a house and purchase a farmland which would be self sufficient for all our resources.

Personal:- Travel around the world and enjoy all kinds of foods and make some good friends who would be away from a call for anything.


Very interesting Those are my 3 pillars of life as well pretty much

Just curious - why the farmland? Thats an interesting one.


Growing our own food , Fruits & Vegetables for the market too, roaming around fruit trees with lots of birds, spending quality time with all our family at one place where we can cook, play and rest.

I believe this is a luxury, people are paying higher rents for better air , to get exposed to sunlight, people are finding it hard to get chemical free food.

Farmland would be a better place which would solve all the above .

Do you really need one? Existence is a gift, just enjoying it should be enough.


Very true. Just being happy, enjoying the present might be it.

But I’d personally need something guiding me. A purpose helps stay sane. Otherwise too much enjoyment can lead to some detrimental shit too

Like enjoyment is short term, purpose helps with the longer term. Wdyt?

Yea true. Moderation is important. I just meant that there may be times when you are purposeless and don't know what to do or are in a transitory state and during those times you should still strive to be happy.


My life purpose: Be useful. Thats it. As long I am useful to someone I have meaning on this blue dot.


Interesting. Thats a fresh take :) I want to ask: That puts being useful to someone else above just being content with who you are, for yourself. How did you get to this realization for yourself?


Who am I if not useful to anything. Its not just a person. It can be plants. Animals. To this planet. We derive meaning from purpose and the purpose of being useful to something or someone is a very root level purpose that can never fade with age.
I got this realization through a series of thought experiments and disecting my thoughts and feelings by first principles to arrive at a point near this. Finally I saw one reel or youtube shorts I don't remember where one person said about just being useful. And that hit me hard as it was what I was coming to. Hence adopted it and have been relatively at ease since then.


29F To earn so much money that I can easily afford a 3bhk house in Mumbai's good locality and then work for a cause once I am no longer bothered about the kharchas


Haha, a very interesting one :)

Why a house though? And why specifically Mumbai? Curious how that became your life’s purpose.

Why not travel, independence, or let’s say staying abroad or in the hills


I am from Mumbai and know that accomplishing this is actually an achievement


40 year old woman...have accomplished everything I wanted by now with the grace of God . Have a long career which I like doing, own a home without any debt, lovely family, beautiful kids. I am self aware, unique and over the years have learnt to love and take care of myself. I can't ask for more. So I'm just flowing with the water, no particular purpose( except one which I can't share)


If you have accomplished everything you wanted, what keeps you motivated?


So happy to hear this @Rhyme4me
I wish more of us can get to where you have gotten :)

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