
WFH Saga

I'm working from Home from past 8 years out of my 14 YOE. we don't have an ODC or seats allocated thus no option to goto office. During the initial days, I felt blessed about this WFH and lately it impacts my work life balance. I binge eating and binge watch tv shows when there's no priority work.

I feel I don't have any motivation to learn anything and also feel disconnected whenever I meet another techie.

How do you all cope with WFH?

Thank you 🙏

9mo ago

First and foremost separate work from life. If you can, work in different room and sleep/eat in different rooms. Similarly use different devices. Don’t use work laptop for relaxing purposes.

Also set timelines during which you will be working and definitely not working.

Finally disable work apps and their notifications on personal devices.


Can totally feel it. Try to find something outside office work which you are interested. Can be as simple as have ur coffee/tea in balcony or meditate.

if you are living in community and extrovert try to find similiar age group or kids so that you can roam around.

this helps to get some personal time in that process i think you will see things changing.

Taking 1st step is hard but later it's all will be in the flow😊

hope it didn't sound like routine motivational speech



Thanks for your support.
Yes, I've been thinking about gathering all the WFH folks from our community to get to know each other and meet for some coffe tea often.


The whole point of WFH, is you get time. You can use the time for anything. start a side business, spend time with family, pursue a hobby, socialize, You can do anything you want. You got bored watching TV shows. thats it.


Which company is this hcl or someother?




Thank you.
Setting timelines sounds good.
Yes, I've started disabling work apps on mobile and it helped me to an extent.

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