What should I tell as notice period after laid off
I laid off last week and getting call for interview . They ask me notice period. Should I tell them that I am immediate joinee and tell the reason as laid off? Will it make negative impact for inital screening?
My preferable answers will be from HR or person who laid off in past

Immediate joiner is good for some HRs. You can say ur position was eliminated at the company so u had no control over it. I am not sure how to sugar coat this but given so many layoffs, it wouldn’t surprise the HR.

@LongRanger did swiggy not ask to resign you officially, as in an email to the manager for resignation? Because although companies lay off they do ask to resign formally so that it looks like one and not laid off.

They told me to drop mail to manager and HR in meeting to look like formal resignation from employee

@LongRanger so you tell them that you have not resigned yet, Notice period is of 1 month but they can give you early exit in 15 days. It's also tough to get a desired job in a good company unaffected by layoffs currently. So, it will take 2 weeks for you to find a good opportunity and prepare as well.

Listen I got laid off in Dec, took some time and started searching in Jan, and secured an offer after roughly 5 weeks of search.
if you’re an immediate joiner just say that. I think there’s no point in hiding the fact and companies for which it’s a negative signal is not worth joining in the first place, since layoffs are common now, and it’s not your fault you were laid off, and the layoff doesn’t reflect on your performance or skills.
Also if they will ask for your payslips, it might contain your severance, leave encashment etc which you’ll have to explain anyway to the next employer.

Just tell you can join immediately, fyi some companies ask for proof that you have actually resigned by asking you to send a screenshot of your resignation acceptance.

Say 15 days. Later mention that it's flexible, based on my dependencies. Also your current company is focused on writing test cases so there are less dependencies. Done:)

Say you were laid off and can join immediately.