What's helping you land a job?
Especially in these times
Any job portal ?? Referral?? Contacting HRs??
So.. Around 2 years back I got my first payout of 50k as a referral bonus for a friend I referred to my company.
Around same time.. My team had a few positions.. So i put it on linkedin and got a decent response.. Got another referral..
Next year.. I decided to scale it.. I started putting multiple posts on linkedin for positions across my company and started streaming the responses on google sheet. Having a big linkedin network of 20k helped.
This year I scaled it to 4L a year... But then it all stopped after one fine day there was a HR circular to not undertake commercial level sourcing of profiles on linkedin.. And only refer ppl I know.
It's a different matter that I could manage to source almost 20-40x more relevant profiles as compared to my HRs even with their third party agencies. More than half of my team members are my referrals :).
While scaling this hustle.. This is what I learnt.
You will get lots of spam.. I feel sry for some candidates .. But sometime even civil grads will apply for semiconductor jobs.
Better to invite applications using a google form with proper filters.. Only serious ppl will apply.
Do not refer everyone.. Reduce your effort and only refer candidates who have a chance.
Engage with candidates, followup after interviews.
Do not trust your employer will automatically honor referral payouts if you don't track.. I literally lost more than 2L coz of inefficient referral tracking system.
Control your greed.. Even if you scale up.. Limit yourself to a decent no.. Say 2L a year.. Referral policy is for company's benifit.. They will shut you down one way or another if they find you are gaining.
Handling it at scale is a lot of work.
Never heard using referal as a side hustle. Great job
@MarkZuckerberg Thanks for the appreciation. Really appreciate it.
What a pathetic scheme to make quick money , Indians are wired to find juggad rather than actually do smthing for reaal.
He/she is working man this is side hustle.. tell me something good if you have in mind
I do something for real and make more than 1cr a year from my main hustle.
I am just efficient enough to find spare time and experiment with side-hustle.. So that one day I have more control over my financials.
I am also a frog in a well like u.. My well is just a lot bigger. That's why I don't feel pathetic at all about it. Cheers!!
I made 1.5 lakhs in referrals from 2 referrals in one of my previous companies. We don't have a referral portal, so I have to forward the profile to the recruiter.
The recruiters don't take it ahead every time, citing reasons like not selected or already in system.
Yes.. That's what I meant by tracking issue. I now feel by design referral tracking system is not transparent. All we can do is keep tracking and following up with HR and candidate.
I have referred around 30 people this year but none of them made it. Here referral bonus is 1.5L
Could you help me with your referral at Salesforce? Will definitely make it and let's get you the bonus xD - lmk if you can!
Is there a hiring freeze right now at sf? Cleared the loop and now being ghosted. TIa
💀 if you have told this much then tell us company name to , when we are preparing we can ask you for referral
If what I am doing scales in next few months.. I can get you referral in any company. But I primarily focus on semiconductor domain as of now.
Ahh main let me know if you are doing for backend or fullstack stuffs . Also one more question can any person who has cse shift to semiconductor
You are reason why referrals are dead now.
I've seen people from Bytedance, Stripe, etc They put their personal referral links just like that. That kills the entire purpose of the referral!! Last time I checked, Stripe has stopped considering referrals altogether 😑
Why do you think so??.
Companies don't realize the value of letting each employee be a part-time recruiter.
Someday they might.. Till then I intend to help people make use of their employer's referral policy better.
I have applied 3 referral in my company 2 months ago. But they are just sitting in the system. Recruitment team didn't even processed them. I have emailed a lot of people in recruitment team. But nothing works.
@UtilizedRip4 Your HR is lazy. If you know the hiring manager, just send them an email directly.
I have done that. But she is ghosting me on both mail and teams.
My friend reffered our whole class in his company earned 4lac in referral in a matter of 6 months 😅
Smart guy!!
I once got 50k referral bonus after referring 10 candidates as selection ratio is 10% if candidates were good so its good hustle but needs some time
I have heard referral rarely works in MS until resume goes directly to hiring manager
It worked earlier. In recent times there is very little scope as hiring is only for critical roles and hiring managers are very arrogant and rarely responds to direct dms
Especially in these times
Any job portal ?? Referral?? Contacting HRs??
Applying to jobs sucks right now with 1000s of people applying for open roles. Referrals seem to be the easier way to go.
Now, you can always go about trying to source referrals on LinkedIn.
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