Who do think is responsible for stress? Parents or coaching mafia?
I blame parents for this. Not that coaching centres are saints, they suck the life out of students by making them study 24/7 but the reason that child is in coaching centre is because parents put him/her there.
And every suicide letter I have read from students mentions that they couldn't fulfil parents expectations.
They are the reason their child is in that condition, just because they want to brag and seek validation from so called society that their child is a prodigy (and want to establish that they are the creator of this prodigy) who went to medical/IIT. And if the child doesn't act acc. to their expectations, they start gaslighting them "We gave you birth" "Maa baap bhagwan ka roop hote hai how dare you blame us Or don't listen to us" I once watched a movie (don't remember the name) where actress says "As parent we determine if our child needs tuition classes but at same time we fail to know if he/she needs therapy"
Who do you think is to be blamed?
Also parents on GV don't push your child if he doesn't want to fly, thinking he has wings, he may fall to death.