WHY!!! Curly hair looks so nice. (M here.Apologies for barging in).
It should be declared a crime to get them straightened! I can understand it must be difficult to manage them, but what a beautiful aura they provide. I mean I would just love to keep playing with them like forever, or would just like to keep staring at their beauty. I mean what a unique, cute and stylish vibe it adds to the face’s beauty.
If the girl is even a bit cute or beautiful, the curly hair makes her absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, adoringly beautiful. And actually I knew one such girl, what a beauty. I once even had the privilege of touching her hairs! ❤️❤️
But later on, it looks even she went for this straightening shit, because that curliness reduced quite a bit in her pics😞. Had I been in touch with her I would have told her what a massive mistake it looked like.
Girls!! For the love of beauty, please spare curly hairs, don’t kill them!!🙏☹️