
Breakdown of your office hours🕰️

When working in a *Software Developer Position*, consider 8hrs to be the average hours you work at your company. ▶️how many hours do you actually get to slack off ? #-------Context------ At my current company i usually am occupied for more than 8 hours and i cannot do something like "reading a Blog to enhance my skillset, watch interview prep videos, learn something new or explore another zone of development like a new stack or something". After my working hours i give time to my pet dog, family and a little bit to myself. Is it the same for you or is my service based company sucking the blood out of me?




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by GraveBasil22


Fuck the 8 Hour workdays?

F*ck the 8 hours workdays, who would want to work 8 or more hours a day for an employer who could fire me in a day if they like to, I am just another replaceable product. I can be replaced in a week, why would I dedicate my peak years to that company? One time only made 9 Calls in 30 Days for my first company- I was the only SDR in Company , My target was 100 Calls a day. nothing happened to me why? Coz I achieved even in the months before and after that month. I just brought results. one of my leaders used to only come to office for 2 hours a day, yk what happened to him? he was promoted every quarter, why? he brought results in those 2 hours, there was no need for him for 8 hours. Is it about the hours tho? Are the employers actually interested in your working hours? Yes alot of them are and to hell with them. I would gladly take a paycut to work with an employer who does not count hours but work, and not work but results. I don't believe in work hours personally, to me it is always what is my company looking for? Do you know your day to day targets, yes you do. But do you know why those targets specifically and what is the end goal for 2024 for your company as a whole? Most of us don't know that. That's where employers fking fail and employees too- both of them fail here. Boss counts work hours, because they don't know why employee is not achieving the tasks, employee doesn't have any idea why something is critical and keeps postponing these tasks/targets. If both of them focus on the Why, there will be no hour counts, there will be no screen recording, bla bla bla. Fk this mentality.